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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. M

    What is your passion?

    My passion? Gardening! No - actually it's math.
  2. M

    Success only makes things worse

    Some ideas: you could help other people achieve some of the success you have. They will appreciate you for that (well, they should anyway). Maybe also you could define what you want to get out of life and your education. Then it's just for you and achieving those goals will make you feel...
  3. M

    Getting laid is really overrated

    Awesome comment! :D
  4. M

    What does depression feel like?

    Should see a doctor to find out why you feel that way. In my experience, doctors are quick to prescribe antidepressants so you'd probably have no trouble getting them. Also, cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown to be as effective as antidepressants for depression, so don't write off all...
  5. M

    In one word. Post your current mood.

  6. M

    What are you currently reading?

    The Golden Spruce by John Vaillant.
  7. M

    What made you smile today?

    Watching my brother lose at Donkey Kong Country.
  8. M

    No matter what I do I end up where I am now.

    I can relate to this real well. I am really insecure, too, and I usually end up asking people if I'm bothering them or if they're mad at me. I've had a lot of conversations just turn awkward - silence or weirdness or whatever. I'm slowly learning to not care so much when I'm awkward and have...
  9. M

    Looking younger than you actually are

    I've had the problem of being carded, too. That bothered me a little bit, but a short while later, I went to buy cigs and the person didn't ask for my ID. I said, "Don't you want to see my ID?" He replied, "Sure, if it'll make you feel better." Lol I was in my mid-twenties at the time.
  10. M

    O Christmas Drones

    I wrote this about the drones that Amazon is planning to use in helping deliver packages. The tune is "O Christmas Tree." Would've been better a few days ago but here it is anyway: Chorus: O Christmas Drones, O Christmas Drones, truly thanks thee. O Christmas Drones, O Christmas...
  11. M

    What is loneliness?

    Loneliness and solitude are just words. The experience is what is either good or bad. My opinion.
  12. M


    Thank you, all.
  13. M

    When your admire someone who doesn't share the same feeling.

    I feel like girls liked me better when I was drinking. I had way more luck with the women back then. Of course, I know I was dating women who were incredibly bad for me. My judgement as to who is a good woman is still pretty poor. I'll give an example from when I was drinking: I dated a girl...
  14. M


    Hello. I am a pretty lonely guy these days, I guess. Hoping to meet some friendly people. Some things about me: I'm quiet/shy and introverted and am attending university here in hopes of becoming a mathematician. I'm 31 years old and still live with my parents due to the fact that I have a...