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  1. Needles

    Memory Lane: Favorite cartoons you used to watch.

    1. SWAT kats 2. That show with the 6-legged triceratops that shot rocks out of its horn. Also, there were 2 flesh-colored blobs with big black eyes that could stretch out and make trampolines and other such useful life saving shapes. Edit: YES!! Found it. "Herculoids"...
  2. Needles

    How important are physical characteristics?

    They are important to some, unimportant to others, and moderately important to the rest. It's all about finding the right person. That's easier said that done, though. The problem is that people who are more like you and have the same ideas of what a relationship and what attraction is like are...
  3. Needles

    Clueless as to my future, disappointed with the present.

    First of all, I'm sure most of us are unhappy with the way our lives are in the present. But I'd like to keep this discussion in terms of school or work, whichever you are doing at the moment. Ever since I got out of high school in 2005, I have been dreading school more and more each day. I...
  4. Needles

    So apparently I suck at life D:

    Just pull a Scrubs and talk about whatever comes to mind. For instance, that awesome episode of Home Movies you have in your avatar. Or the one where they babysit alexandr the cat.
  5. Needles

    Just Have Bad Luck? Or Do I Just Suck? (A Rant)

    I'm pretty sure this is just a huge sack of bad luck that's placed itself in your lap. I've always believed that if you had feelings for someone you should express them. Maybe go easy at first but make sure they know they are there. Especially if you think there is a possibility of something...
  6. Needles

    Religulous - Bill Maher

    I saw it and thought it was great. I think one of the main problems with the people he interviewed is that their answers to his logical questions were based on either random coincidence or stories that had no real evidence to support them. Does anyone know when the bible was written by the way...
  7. Needles

    Spirituality and what does that mean?????

    I take the position of Einstein. I just recently read this and until now I have had a hard time phrasing my views on religion without writing paragraphs. People always seems to say that you need to have some type of religious involvement to have proper morals. Really? Because from what I've...
  8. Needles

    Why Did You Choose Avatar/Sig/Name That You Did?

    My avatar is the Kanji symbol for "Wind." I am obsessed with wind. I will sit outside for hours just doing nothing when it's a warm windy day. Also, writing "WIND" in your avatar looks a lot lamer than having a cool Kanji symbol :D
  9. Needles

    Auto pilot

    Have you ever felt like what you are experiencing isn't real? Or in other words, do you ever get the feeling like you are experiencing something through someone elses body? It feels kind of like you are inside someone elses head and what you are doing just doesn't seem like it's reality. Like at...
  10. Needles

    The OFFICIAL Weird and Creepy Thread

    This was not taken by me, btw. This is something you can only find on the internets. I keep adding more because I can't sleep. Oh, and here is a lovely video I watched. The link I got it from was called " Crazy French Animation Starts Normal, Goes Full Retard" Sorry if that offends :O...
  11. Needles

    SourGlow's introduction

    Hello Cats are pretty awesome. You should check out the pet faces thread in general chat. Quantum physics...all I know is what I've learned from Professor Hubert Farnsworth: "quantum physics means that anything can happen at anytime for no reason." As for MMO's, I've been hooked since Star Wars...
  12. Needles

    I think its all screwed up...!

    No one deserves something like this. I'm sorry that it's tradition/custom or whatever it may be with your family to arrange marriages like this. The least he could do is treat you nicer than how he has been (I read your fiance post as well). It seems like you are making the effort to...
  13. Needles

    anyone tried online dating?

    I've never tried it but I can get a sense of what you are saying with talking to people online then being nervous/afraid, whatever, to meet them in person. All I can really say is that I have a much easier time talking to people online than I do in person. Is that your fear? That you won't...
  14. Needles

    Let's see the (pet) faces!

    :D My mom owns a sweet camera that I like to use when I am at home.
  15. Needles


    If possible, find someone taking the class with you who does well and persuade them to help you out. If you find a student taking the class that understands the material you can bet they can explain it in a much more understandable way than the professor can. I can't really give too much...