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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. emmy23

    panic attacks

    Panic attacks and anxiety runs in my family. From the time I was born until now I've been pretty immune to it. I do have some social anxiety but it's all pretty manageable. But right now I think I'm having my first panic attack and I don't know what to do about it. I feel so alone right now and...
  2. emmy23

    semi-rant about friends and bf

    So this past winter break I got in a fight with my entire friend group (you can probably find the thread I wrote about what happened if you're interested). And when I left to go back to school it was still pretty shaky. But out of that fight I got my boyfriend. Well I just saw them for the first...
  3. emmy23

    looking for friends :)

    I'm looking for people to talk to on here. I'm currently in college and I'm quite shy, so I don't have too many friends on campus. I enjoy movies (mostly coming of age stories and any movie that can make me cry), music (I have quite a random mix of genres), and anything medical. I'm trying to...
  4. emmy23

    Friendships falling apart

    Here's what's going on in my life right now... Sorry about the length and I really hope none of the people involved in this find this website...:P My entire friend group is falling apart and it's mostly me and my friend "Susan"'s fault. She's a lesbian who has been in love with me for the past...
  5. emmy23

    Boy Troubles part 2

    So there's a boy who was obviously very flirty with me to the point where my roommates knew that something was going on between us. We would text all the time and cuddle a lot. And he told me when his girlfriend and him broke up which was a month ago but he failed to mention that they are still...
  6. emmy23

    Boy Troubles.

    So I'm new here. And I was hoping i could get some advice or some people to help me sort out my confusion. So I'm a college student and after moving in to my dorm I met the guys who live across the hall from me. One of them I liked upon first meeting him. This was a month ago and back then he...