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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. ronery

    Money money money money! Money!

    Thinking about it, if I had a lot of money I would want to travel the world. Meet new people, see new places, and I would always have a good excuse to be social, I could be a tourist and people seem to find that interesting and are more interested in talking for some reason. Unfortunately...
  2. ronery

    Would anyone notice you were gone...?

    The other day I had a very disconcerting thought, and thought it would be an appropriate topic here.I thought to myself this question... If I went missing how many people would look for me,or how many people would even have noticed I was gone? 20 people?..No,10 People?..No,Less than 5? Yes...
  3. ronery

    Social Networking Generation and its negatives

    I was reading on this forum that the average age range here is 18-23. I think that strongly has to do with this age range being the optimal social networking (Facebook,Myspace,etc.) demographic. I think that gradually all social interaction is becoming more and more technological and...
  4. ronery


    Hello I am new to the forum, but joined because I felt this may be therapeutic. For the last 8 years I have been living a quiet boring country life and it has been depressing. I am 19 years old living with my grandparents, with no car,job,or friends. I was not home-schooled but I might as well...