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  1. rollingtrouble

    OK I give up...

    I've seen your picture, and you are indeed very pretty. Quit acting like a slut, show a little more respect for yourself and maybe you wont get treated like one? Don't know what else I can say to you.
  2. rollingtrouble

    My sister just confessed that she created a fake profile to toy with a desperate man

    Oh, I feel for you man, I really do. You can pick your friends but not your family. And I'm so sorry there are kids involved in her life that are affected by her bad decisions. I know that you care for her. Sometimes all you can do is try to be there for her kids, and try to help her pick up the...
  3. rollingtrouble

    My sister just confessed that she created a fake profile to toy with a desperate man

    Ha! @ you aren't gonna save anyone or make any miracles at all! People are judged by their acts, the facts are that she chooses to be an ass and enjoys it. That makes her an ******* like the ******** that made her. It is what it is, and you are no more righteous or perfect than anyone here...
  4. rollingtrouble

    What are you most self-concious about?

    Being on wheels I suppose, I mean its not a bad thing really. Everything should be on wheels, it would make things so much easier in this world. Its just kinda wierd having to live and roll around in a world made for walkers, except going downhill, I rule. Its just kinda weird thats all.
  5. rollingtrouble

    My sister just confessed that she created a fake profile to toy with a desperate man

    There isn't any miracle process in action here at all. If she wants to get out of that victim rut she needs to direct that at the next asshat keeping her in it. The game she is playing is not "standing up" for herself at all. Thats like someone becoming a thief and start stealing just because...
  6. rollingtrouble

    My sister just confessed that she created a fake profile to toy with a desperate man

    She doesn't sound like a very sweet person to me. Toying with someones emotions is probably one of the evilest things one person can do to another.
  7. rollingtrouble


    What up and welcome
  8. rollingtrouble

    it just occurred to me, i am a ******* *******

    Good luck with all that, I guess?
  9. rollingtrouble

    Hello :)

    Hello! I haven't really been here very long either :)
  10. rollingtrouble

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Thanks y'all for being so nice :)
  11. rollingtrouble

    Lets see the Faces!!!

  12. rollingtrouble

    How To Seduce A Man/Woman

    alcohol and chloroform, works everytime...
  13. rollingtrouble

    What time did you get out of bed today?

    Actually, I haven't been out of bed now for the past three or four days, just haven't found a reason to yet.
  14. rollingtrouble

    When people/someone hate you

    Back in the day, before I became a wheeler, I would sidle up to them and pee on their leg to assert my dominance. But probably that would not be a very good idea for most situations, kinda "unseemly".
  15. rollingtrouble

    I don't belong anywhere?

    I lost my religion long ago, I don't know what else to say.
  16. rollingtrouble

    Is this crazy?

    Awww hell, I get into heated arguments with myself all the time. And then between the other guys, me and myself can get to an impass to where all three of us are screaming at each other. I have learned to just tune the other two out and myself and me will finally quit talking to themselves...
  17. rollingtrouble

    I don't belong anywhere?

    Yes, I definately do. It didn't used to be that way for me earlier in life, but after a bad accident nine years ago that left me in a wheelchair as a quadriplegic, I am now left with social issues. I can't go out in public without being stared at like some kinda freak. I can't do many things for...
  18. rollingtrouble

    What time did you get out of bed today?

    I'm still in bed and I'm staying in bed!
  19. rollingtrouble


    "If you can't be a good example, be a good example of what not to be"
  20. rollingtrouble

    texas folks?

    I'm in Killeen, moving to San Antonio soon