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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. anidealofhope

    Songs you listen to when lonely

    Amazing songs guys, it's great to see the diversity of what works for some and what works for others, I'm currently in love with a song called fireflies by Amanda Falk! God bless you all :)
  2. anidealofhope

    Everyday I wonder

    Thankyou for this. Means a lot to me to know that someone was going through the same sort of thing and is living their life, obviously, still struggling with the loneliness but is at least kind of happy with where they ended up. I wish nothing but the best for you in your struggle with...
  3. anidealofhope

    Anyone else out there so single they just want to scream???

    Not condescending at all, believe me. I totally get what you mean, sometimes it's just hard to accept that for me right now, I don't know. Sorry again. Totally wish my feelings would just shut off sometimes though! Thanks for your response! God bless :)
  4. anidealofhope

    Anyone else out there so single they just want to scream???

    Just been going through this thread for a good hour and wow, it's gotten to me. I think people sometimes think that we're single because we choose to be, and while some definitely feel that being single is the better alternative (which I think you should take pride in because you're happy with...
  5. anidealofhope

    I want...

    So much love for this thread because it's the feeling I think we all humans want. The connection with someone who says they love us. Who feel like we feel. And I can tell you, this weighs on me heavily every single day. I just want to know if there's someone who could somehow feel the same way I...
  6. anidealofhope

    Songs you listen to when lonely

    Hey everyone, Just thought I'd start up a thread about this issue. A lot of people turn to music in times of struggle and pain. What are some songs you listen to when you feel the deep emotional feeling that is loneliness and are they effective? Some of mine include: When I find Love...
  7. anidealofhope

    Everyday I wonder

    Thanks for the support :) It really means a lot to me! It's so hard for me to just live life and enjoy myself. I wish I could, like that's probably the hardest thing. Just sitting around always brings the thoughts of "Am I good enough?" And "What's my future, how am I going to be happy?" To...
  8. anidealofhope

    Everyday I wonder

    Everyday I wonder...will it change? Will she finally see me as something worth loving? Someone worth giving importance to? There's so much I would do to see a smile on her face...yet it doesn't matter. Because she won't know. She can't know. It'd ruin everything. Or would it? Is there someone...