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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. O

    Left an abusive relationship

    Recently, I left a 5 year relationship. It ended abruptly one night through a series of events. He got charged with domestic violence for threatening to inflict harm. I have a safety order on him.  It's almost been a month since I've seen him. His trial is in about a month.  Throughout the 5...
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    Ridiculous comments

    Well, you made good points. I guess some acknowledgement is better than none. Thank you
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    I think I'm unlikable

    My boyfriend has an extreme disapproval of meeting people offline.. (we live together.. kinda past the point of doing whatever the hell I want). I looked into and told him I was going to an outdoor yoga meetup.. he flipped honeysuckle. This is when i found out he had a problem with me...
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    Feeling uncomfortable

    That comment is super creepy and immature. You didn't overreact at all. Isn't it funny how people off dating apps have such insight to our mental issues when they get turned down?
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    Ridiculous comments

    I wrote in at a time when I felt truly defeated and some of the comments on that post were just unnecessary and thoughtless.  "You'll be ok"  --- okay, great pep talk, dad "You're lonely and you have a boyfriend?" --- you could ask why I feel lonely even though I have a boyfriend. There maybe...
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    I think I'm unlikable

    You didn't think that was possible? Isn't your deflecting a huge issue with people who are lonely.  I don't care to be a social butterfly, but I do think friends are important. Thanks for your insightful comment.
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    I think I'm unlikable

    Hey, guys... I haven't been around in a long time, but I've had a lot of thoughts on my mind that I just wanted to speak about AND I'm just gonna get to my point. I'm a loner and don't want to be. I must be awkward or hard to like. I'm in school and I work and I have people I speak to but no...
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    Cant shake the feeling

    I'm not sure if it is because the craziness of finals week or if I havent had enough people time, but I feel so incredibly lonely. The past week has been a heart-wrencher.  I dont know why. My boyfriend went to work today, but we were snuggling on the couch before he left. I worked Saturday and...
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    Seeing posts about abuse

    I know abusive people tend to be people who were abused. It's a cycle.. but people do override that and break the cycle. There are plenty of people who i know have been severely abused and cannot stand the thought of ever doing that to their children. At some point we have to recognize that...
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    Seeing posts about abuse

    So, on facebook you may see the local news or just articles that are in some way about abuse. I just came across a post about a man who was recorded by his teenage next door neighbor. The kids father turned the video into police and are looking to rescue to puppy. In the post, everyone is...
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    Social media makes things awkward

    It's not really a problem... sorta just something I wanted to talk about and get others opinion on the matter. And, yes, you can remove things, which I have already done. When I said I posted ignorant things... I meant in the past. I would get timehops showing me things I said. They weren't...
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    Social media makes things awkward

    I agree! I often contemplate deleting facebook, but realize it's how I keep contact with the people who I did have genuine, in person, interactions with who no longer live around me. It's a great tool to keep up with people, but not so much when you first meet them. I dont know if its just me...
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    Depressing music in situational depression

    I don't suffer from depression in the physiological sense, but when I have situations that cause an array of deep and negative emotions I find comfort in listening to depressing music. A lot of people suggest turning it off and doing something fun, but I never find that helps. It just gets...
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    Social media makes things awkward

    I will meet a knew person and we have a good conversation and things are really comfortable and go really well. Then they look me up on social media and it's like it opens them up to a bunch more about me that I didn't yet.  I will admit.. I posted some pretty ignorant things back in the day...
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    I'm one rotten, depressed kid.

    I only read your post.. not the responses. It sounds like something happened 4 years ago that really set you down this path. Did something? Would you be willing to share?
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    Finding it hard to enjoy people

    I can really relate to your situation. My best friend was actually the biggest bully in the school and she turned on me a lot. I learned how to guard myself, but still be around people. I actually started to like walking alone in the halls while they pathetically glared at me and talked sh*t...
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    Just to be heard

    Hey So, I started looking for a forum I could sorta get out all my thoughts.  Recently, I was talking with my boyfriend about how I have no friends (to be fair.. I moved 8 hours away from where my friends were and they all ended up moving all around the world) and we pretty much came to the...