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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. J

    when dating...when should you have se*

    A lot of what you said really makes sense. I think a lot of going for sex is simply just biological urges. There were times where I was surprised how much effort I'd put in until I got my way. It was like I had a hard time controlling myself.
  2. J

    when dating...when should you have se*

    I normally agree with 2 or 3 dates. If I were dating someone now, it definitely would not be a deal breaker to have to wait longer. If someone cannot wait longer than a couple of dates; I'd wager there's a good chance that it's not going to last anyway.
  3. J


    Hm, I do not know your situation too much. I would normally tell someone they're thinking too much on something, but you came on these forums. I've read some posts and from what I've gathered, there are a lot of us who need professional therapy(Including myself.) I'm sorry to hear you are...
  4. J


    I'd prefer to keep my ethnicity in PM if that's okay with you, lol.
  5. J


    I'm half asian, half white, and get mistaken for Mexican. Is that close? Hahahaha. I'm 29 and I'm very much into gaming. Not much of an anime fan any more.
  6. J


    I guess I'm not getting very good revenge then, lol. She has a ton of friends in her home city. I just joined a forum about lonliness. Is she winning? Honestly I don't know; we're acting like enemies and we've spoken like once during this whole ordeal. It's confusing and insulting to me. For all...
  7. J


    I remember when my best friend was having problems with his relationship that ended. He was living with his baby's mama. From his side of the story she never wanted to sleep with him, and therefore he felt his woman was not fulfilling her womanly duties. I did not ask her opinion. Last time I...
  8. J


    I understand how crappy that must feel. I guess I've always been the opposite. My friends(At the time when I had them) would always invite me to things but I would almost never go. Now I have no friends and I get invited to nothing, lol. Also as far as social awkwardness, it happens. I used to...
  9. J


    I am getting familiar with using this site. I saw that you made your account really shortly after mine so I clicked your name and it lead me here, where I just made a post not very long ago. I don't know how one gets lonely in a relationship. I think I talk too much that one would get more...
  10. J


    I started smoking heavily since last year. I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand: I feel like it's one of the best gift's in the world. It is something that should be experienced. On the other hand: It can rouse my anxiety disorder. Also I am not a social smoker which sucks. I can...
  11. J

    New Realizations Leave Me Feeling Isolated... Alone

    Wow a lot of this sounds so much like me. Except you explain it a lot better than I do. I feel like I'm in a very similar situation as yourself. I haven't even brought up my binge smoking on my thread.
  12. J


    I googled why do people feel lonely and it landed me here. I hate this feeling. I've always considered myself smart, outgoing, charming, confident, and just so many good things. New car paid off, new house paid off.. I don't want to turn this to a boo hoo my wife left me but I think she has...