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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Azy

    What are you thinking right now?

    I am thinking about tonight. My dad is wanting to take me out to dinner for my 22nd birthday and i always have problems with my step-mom with arguing and a whole bunch of honeysuckle.... *is wanting to have a good night for once*
  2. Azy


    aloo what???
  3. Azy


    So I guess this is the new chat room.... Pitty.... What happened while i was sick these past 3 weeks?
  4. Azy

    The Great MSN Thread™

    [email protected] it works....
  5. Azy

    Checking my ******* MAIL!!!

    do exactly that.... imagine winning the lotto... then imagine what you will do with the money won from the lotto. you won't be thinking about the mail anymore.
  6. Azy

    Faces of the chat room

    lol... i said i was done putting the pics up. but my photoshop program froze right after the godadillagon anyways.
  7. Azy

    Faces of the chat room

    Me, Skippy, Brian, Vertigo, and Rocket when we are bored create some interesting people. I warn you that all creative people were not harmed in the making of these peoples. Irish Pimp Weed/Poop Man Rageface Rastafarian Godadillagon
  8. Azy


    welcome, sir, to the loneliest place on the internet. i hope you will add to the loneliness as the rest of us have. lol
  9. Azy

    I am begging for help

    I know exactly how you feel, sort of. On memorial day weekend last month, my car was hit from behind while i was asleep in my room. Luckily I wasn't in the car, for if i would have been, like listening to music with a friend or whatever, the police investigator said i would have been ejected...
  10. Azy


    yes... welcome.... lol.
  11. Azy

    List of what state everyone is from...

    20, male, Calimesa, CA (in San Bernardino county area)
  12. Azy

    i would like some friends :(

    i am young, but i have some of the same interests as you. if you want to talk, my msn is [email protected]. just im me or something, and make sure to let me know who you are cause i have a lot of forgotten friends on my buddy list. but yeah. i would love to talk to you and help you through...
  13. Azy

    Looking for friend to chat with!

    i am glad there's another art enthusiast on this site. what kind of art do you do/like?
  14. Azy

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    that's fuckin awesome ocean! who new you could make a brain with frosting and red velvet cake.
  15. Azy

    favorite word?

    Wenis... it sounds sick, but is actually a scientific word for the flabby skin on ones' elbow when the arm is outstretched. and theres just something about the phrase "duck sex" that just makes me chuckle every time i say it. (high school misspronounciation)(sp?)
  16. Azy

    Kids' Names

    Boy: Aiden, Ryan (theres just something about my own name that is awesome. i am sure i speak for everyone who loves their own name!) Girl: Annalynn (the lynn name is my sister and mom's middle name, so i think it would fit.
  17. Azy

    What is the most frustrating thing you have to deal with?

    my stepmother mostly...
  18. Azy

    drunk driving...

    well, i have insurance, and she does too... but its not the drunkeness of it all that pisses me off. its the fact that she was hopped up on about 50 different medications AND had the couple of drinks before hand. plus she was on a breathing machine, which that alone makes you shaky.
  19. Azy

    drunk driving...

    i think she was hiding it... "This oven looks like a safe place! he'll never look in here for beer!"
  20. Azy

    drunk driving...

    wow... you've been through a lot.