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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. N


    Been there.. i make the three mile drive so i can buy lotto tickets in both states, lol.
  2. N

    Lonesome idiot

    Ah, alcohol, be nice if i didn't live in a parsonage, lol. I've thought many a time about getting snookered. I know.. its all up to me. I just am not ready to give up on something that was so good. But unless he decides not to spend every moment dwelling, i don't know how i can pull him out. I...
  3. N

    The boredom of isolation

    Oh i'd die for some humour. I miss joking around, i miss someone listening to me joke around. I dont even live alone, i live with my fiance.. but his mind is always elsewhere. i know what you mean about sitting for hours.. i sit iin front of the screen just to appear less vegetative.
  4. N

    Would you pay for company and sex?

    I have honestly wondered if it was possible to pay someone to just hug me. I don't imagine my mate would like it, but i crave that, someone to just hold me. yeah.. like that. i do like sex.. but just to be held would be heaven.
  5. N

    Lonesome idiot

    My story is long and pathetic. First off, I'm 38 years old, divorced, engaged and moved to the US 9 months ago to be with the man i love. I left everything and everyone behind. I let my daughter go with my idiot ex because we couldn't work out any kind of agreement that didn't involve him...