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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. K

    i don't know how to approach...

    I would advise Kennedy to consult a psychiatrist. Lesbianism in my view is a disease and thanks to latest developments in psychiatry it can be cured to a considerable extent. Since she is having such feelings even towards her neighbor I think it is high time that she seeks the services of a...
  2. K


    I would advise her to ignore the leader completely. Even our group had a girl who were always trying to boss on us. Finally we became fed up and threw her out. I think the same treatment should be given to the leader also. I am of the view that she should continue to meet her boyfriend and enjoy...
  3. K

    Can't make friends.. Help?

    I think the problem here is that he is bothered a lot about the response of others. I think it is a useless thing to do. I would advise him to talk to new people. He should try to be an extrovert rather than an introvert. It is immaterial whether they want his friendship or not. The most...
  4. K

    Need some tips on my social problem.

    I know a friend who used to suffer from Schizoid personality disorder. He used to suffer a lot. He was always shy. He was afraid to speak in front of a crowd. Both of us were doing MBA in marketing. This disease seriously affected his studies because he used to skip the presentation sessions...
  5. K

    We all have them

    Christina need not worry much about her problem. A lot of people around the world are suffering from such social problems. I also used to experience the same issue. My father was in the army and he used to be transferred once in two years. I and my mother used to accompany him wherever he went...