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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Dove

    facebook purge

    I think I'm a bit of a Facebook loser. I deleted it a while ago because I was basically talking to myself (with the odd comment from an irritating aunt of mine) and then I joined again recently, only to talk to myself again. I used to blog (it wasn't popular) so I guess in that way I'm used to...
  2. Dove

    Being unemployed.....

    I've been unemployed for far longer than I'm willing to admit. I'm 21 and everyone else my age (and younger) seems to be zooming past me in terms of life progression! It's pretty depressing. I let my anxiety disorder rule my life, hence being where I am now. It's my own fault really, I blame my...
  3. Dove

    Returning after a while, still lonely :/

    Hey everyone, I really can't remember the last time I was on here! Some time last year or the year before maybe, when I wasn't lurking. I'm back because I'm sick of leading a lonely lifestyle and I need some friends! (to be quite blunt) So I will re-introduce myself :) I'm 21, married to a...
  4. Dove


    I feel like ranting. It wasn't long ago that I came to a realization about myself. When it happened, I felt like I'd found myself. It first came about when I tried the Myers-Briggs test online and the result was that I was an INFP. At that time, I thought being introverted was a bad thing, so I...
  5. Dove

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Agreed :P
  6. Dove

    Let's see the (pet) faces!

    Connor cat And Mabelina moo I love them both to pieces :D
  7. Dove

    Do you find smoking attractive?

    Yeulgh. Smoking. Hate everything to do with it.
  8. Dove

    Why I'm this way, the cause of my loneliness

    I'm glad those words helped you like they helped me. Ever since I read that part specifically in the book, everything seemed to fall into place. I hope you and Windowsill can use those words and apply them to your own personal challenges :) The book itself is really user-friendly and contains...
  9. Dove

    I love StumbleApon :D - I just stumbled apon this wonderful relaxing playlist

    Ooh I love it :D So calming and inspiring..
  10. Dove

    Hehehehh. Eheh.. Ehehhe. :')

    Sorry for spamming this board with all my 'net finds. but ... >
  11. Dove

    Hello (again)

    Hey Warrior, welcome :)
  12. Dove

    Every girl needs some girlfriends..

    I'll be your friend! Honestly, I feel EXACTLY the same. I want some girlies to hang and gossip with, but that's just a dream for me right now. PM me if you like :D
  13. Dove

    I love StumbleApon :D - I just stumbled apon this wonderful relaxing playlist

    May not be to everyone's taste but anyway, it may cheer some people up :P
  14. Dove

    does your family and/or friends know you frequent a site for lonely people?

    My family knows nothing, and I have nothing to hide either - If they find out, they find out, but I'm not going to deliberately mention it for any reason. Even if they found out, and seen I'd bitched about them on here or something, I still don't care. If they hate me for speaking from my heart...
  15. Dove

    Who are you?

    I am a golden light of hope and eagerness waiting, wanting, wondering yearning for someone to want what I give, so I can give what I want and maybe one day be seen for who and what I am in universal clarity then my heart will be happy.
  16. Dove

    Why I'm this way, the cause of my loneliness

    Oh windowsill :( <3 You are obviously feeling a lot of fear and self-hatred. Your whole post seems to be filled with negativity directed towards yourself. And don't be ashamed by it! :) Stick here with us... Maybe in time we can change the way you feel, with the help of the forum. The more you...
  17. Dove

    Bacon... How do you like yours?

    Burnt and dark! :D Nom nom ^_^ With lots of brown sauce, a bit of salted butter, in some toasted white bread :) So good yet so bad :D
  18. Dove

    What's the cheesiest pick up line you've ever gotten?

    I've never been picked up, so I don't know. Even if it was cheesy though, I'd appreciate the effort made :D