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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. L

    Anyone for a London Meetup?

    Iam lonely as hell too in London, 28. Its driveing me mad no friends. I go everywhere on my own, I use to always go clubs on my own and Iam a girl. But aint been for years, dont know anywhere good anymore here and I dont drink alcohol. Usualy just go concerts on my own these days
  2. L

    Hate my life, feel worthless, like a failure, hard to stay positive?? :(

    Wow Victor reading your story is very similer to reading my own life too! Very much all the same! But Iam 28 now and I have tried so many things to change but always end up back to square one, going in circles like you explained. so now I just lost all motivation in anything. I can relate to...
  3. L

    odd dreams/nightmares?

    That was sureal! I hope you have a better dream tonight. I had a very strange dream 10 years ago when I was going through my worst time of depression. I never in my life will forget this dream. I was face to face with someone, but his face was not like human atall, his eyes was a bright blue...
  4. L

    18 year old failure.

    Im 28 and know just how you feel. I get alot of problems because Im quiet and a good person, that really goes against me in jobs. Iam 28 longest I been in a job is 6 months, every job I had all my life has been problems with managers and people at work not keeping me on or not likeing me because...
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    Death fear

    @LGH Iam so sorry about your cat, its so heartbreaking. I do appreciate your info, I never knew my fear had a name or was common. I never heard about it before. So what do you believe is afterlife? You are lucky you have a good attitude about it with no fear
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    Death fear

    And No, I do not want medical treatment! Iam even scared to have a pet because I cant bare the heartache of it dieing.
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    Death fear

    Ok, I think maybe deep down I fear it so much more because Im liveing a lonely life. I think life is a precious gift, but all my life its been lonely. When Im doing something out with a friend I feel better but thats once in a long while. My only 3 friends I got are all married with kids. I...
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    Death fear

    No I dont. And I dont know what would get that fear away
  9. L


    Neither! No job, no profession, stuck home everyday bored out my mind.
  10. L

    People from England! (What county are you from?)

    Busy Lonely London
  11. L

    Death fear

    Besides my issues, when I do have the odd good day or if I feel to be happy, I cant be happy because I have this fear of death and it will always make me feel upset and drag me down:( I believe in God, always pray, Iam Catholic but maybe not that confident in it. I dont know... Im scared to be...
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    Hi Im doing ok thanks, since finding this site now.
  13. L


    Suprised to just find this site and know others feel like me