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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. S

    New buddy here.

    hi buddy yea, this is a unique forum.. and lots to learn from its unique members.. nice to have you here
  2. S

    A crazy biscuit says "Hi"!

    hey i like biscuits.. and i like the way you write.. more than welcome..
  3. S

    Cursed be this pointless, lonely existence

    futureless, your introduction is really strong.. and i dont have any advice that fits ... but when i read through i got this feeling. you can perform well as an army guy.. or perhaps someone working in law enforcement.. because you got lot of internal force that has to be put to work...
  4. S

    There Can Be Diferent Types Of Lonliness, Which One Are You?

    3 i would want someone with whom i can mess around and still have no fear of him leaving me.. in return i can be deadly committed.. i never settle in for less than perfect...(not one of my virtues) so i never wait to get intimate.. .and i am lonely
  5. S

    how come every great girl i met....

    ... Sigh Its time to let go... sometimes standing still is the best move we ever make.. Focus on YOU, set new goals, work on life. A love relationship is not something we can earn by hard work like we earn a promotion or a best performance award. You will find your love if it is somewhere...
  6. S

    Feeling low and lonely

    hey.. stop thinking about sadness.. the more you think.. the more strong your depression gets.. Try your best to find an interesting job.. the rest will happen on its own... Trust me..
  7. S

    Alone and Alive... !!!!

    i am more than thankful... love you all !!!!!...
  8. S

    I forgot the feeling of happiness.....

    .... that was touchy... u should be a script writer... lonely or not.. u r good in what you do...
  9. S

    New here and so very lonely

    hey .. you have made a good move by reaching out to us... I have touched the depths of loneliness that you had mentioned here. I was obese as a kid and in college.. and i know how it is to be ignored by everyone.. but i never gave up the hope of a tomorrow where everyone would see just me...
  10. S

    Alone and Alive... !!!!

    Hi friends I have been in this forum for just 3 days and i met some great friends in here, especially the chat rooms. And i greatly appreciate the efforts put on by the moderators to run this amazing network to help people like me and you to be together.. so, i am alone but i always find ways...