fresia the dmv

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2013
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Hey guys. Just when I thought nothing else could go wrong, I don't get my hard copy permit in the mail. And It's going to take me even more time for me to be able to buy a car with my mom borrowing money from me every payday. In all seriousness, why is it so hard to send things through the mail on time. I have to go back to the dmv and ask what's going on with them sending me the hard copy. I expect to hear bullshit from them. Why dose my life suck?:(
It might not be them, it could be the mail service. My local mail service sucks around here, sometimes local mail will get to you in 3 days sometimes it takes a week. You should find out first when it was sent in the mail.
Haha, good old Royal Mail would deliver on time!

Seriously I wouldn't put a negative spin on life just because of this, yeah it's frustrating and maybe inconvenient but with life you NEED patience; I'm hardly the most patient guy in the world but that doesn't mean I don't understand.

Do you not have a tracking number or something? Surely it'll only take a little while longer?
Trust me. I used to use Canada Post. Do I ever expect ANYTHING to come on time? Better yet, to EVER come? Not really. If I pay for priority (those who are not Canadian understand our shipping is HOLYCRAPEXPENSIVE), I expect it to be a PRIORITY.

Definitely ask them, and make sure they know it is a concern. They may give you an amount of time it may take, and if after that time bring it back up to them. Just don't get too upset about it :) (Trust me, it could be worse...)
The government in my country "shut down". Though they said that the postal service would run as usual.
Lies! Lies I tell you! :p A government "shut down"... I've never seen that happen. Change people sure... Change system, of course... But not shut down o_O
People working with for the govt. will rarely care. Customer service is almost nonexistent, afterall, its not like there's any open-market competition you can go to instead.
I called the dmv about having my new id sent to me on September 16th and they said they were going to mail it that day, still haven't gotten it. Called them and they said oh sometimes it can take up to 30 days.... Like the title of the thread says fresia the dmv
Actually, it's because of the shutdown that this is happening. They don't have enough workers to get to everybody.

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