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user 188685

sunflower lover
May 29, 2022
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If you could go and live one day,anyday of any year,what year would you want to live in for 1 day?I would want to live in the year that Marilyn Monroe was still alive.
Back to my childhood in the 90s, back to when me and my brothers would play together with our toys or games or make believe. Those were just cozy times.

Or back to any time when my close family members that I've lost in the past several years, were still alive. I know it sounds cliche but I didn't know how good we really had it back then.
I'd like to say a day when my parents were alive but then feeling the pain of being parted from them again no I can't do that.

So I'll say something more generalised. I would like to spend the Day of the Moon Landing.
Some alternate ideas:

- sometime when gas was more affordable and classic muscle cars were used cars at affordable prices, so sometimes in the late 60s through 90s.

- the 90s but as a teen or 20 something, instead of as a child, so i could have experienced grunge, alternative, and the 90s punk scene as it was happening instead of looking back on it

- sometime in the future when all of these scarcity problems are solved through technology and more modern thinking, and we finally evolve past competition, and society is set up for self-actualization
This is a ridiculously hard question! I mean, there’s so many moments in time I’d love to see and experience for myself, moments that inspired whole generations and moments that wouldn't mean anything to anyone but myself. How could I possibly narrow it down to one single day?

Off the top of my head:

  • I'd love to go back to the day when my parents first met. I know they first met at a dance. What music was playing, what were they wearing, what were their first words to each other?
  • A random day in exactly the same location where I'm currently sitting, but back 80 million years ago. How has the landscape changed and evolved? Maybe I'd be sitting (drowning, more like - unless I was able to have an invisible force field for protection? :unsure: ) in the middle of a huge prehistoric lake. What kind of dinosaurs would there be? Plant life and fauna?
  • Another random day, still occupying the same space, but far into the future. How has humanity changed? Do we still exist?
  • An everyday day in a time that interests me - Tudor times, the Dark Ages, a day spent in an Iron-Age Celtic hillfort in England in 1,179 B.C., Roman times, Egyptian times, the court of Louis XVI at Versailles. . . .
  • Back to the good ol' 80's, man! Gnarly!!
I'm going back to Renaissance times.....

I'll join you. . .

I'd like to say a day when my parents were alive but then feeling the pain of being parted from them again no I can't do that.

So I'll say something more generalised. I would like to spend the Day of the Moon Landing.

I'll join you at the moon landing too. It must've been an absolutely awe-inspiring day. Man on the moon. . . July 20, 1969. Wow. Something generations and generations had dreamed and pondered over and we accomplished it. I've always found it incredibly sad that just a few generations later and we all seem to take it for granted.
Only one place I'd want to be, London's Marquee Club on July 12th 1962 for The Rolling Stones first gig, I love the Stones but it's bloody ridiculous they're still on the road 60 years later. 🎸
Dont know, I dont have any particular year, era, or place, Ill like to be. Just a regular place where I live, near the mountains, in a warm day, just that.
The day the universe was created. It would be nice to watch the big bang happen and to see what actually set it off.


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