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Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️
Jun 19, 2021
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Honestly not being able to sleep reallyyyy gets to me. I hate it, ugh and my looks… you dont wanna know what its doing to my looks. I just miss normality, waking up feeling refreshed, a night without nightmares or weird dreams or ughh sleep paralysis.

I feel so alone, everyone else is asleep and im laying here awake by myself… I’ve been emotional in bed lately, sometimes I wish I could pass out and I think of ways to make that happen and then I think im bloody crazy 😅 I hate insomnia
I have insomnia only on nights before I have to work! I don’t work every day, but I need to take half a sleeping pill on those nights otherwise I will just be up. Getting worried about that…but I only get like 3 hours sleep it I don’t take it.

I need to try changing my sleeping schedule to see if it will help. I don’t like early mornings though.
I have insomnia only on nights before I have to work! I don’t work every day, but I need to take half a sleeping pill on those nights otherwise I will just be up. Getting worried about that…but I only get like 3 hours sleep it I don’t take it.

I need to try changing my sleeping schedule to see if it will help. I don’t like early mornings though.
Oh wow, do you experience workplace bullying? This sounds awful, you must have a high stress job.
I run on 4 - 6 hours of sleep at the age of 34.
Used to be able to do it for less when I was younger.
I hate sleep, unless I experience a dream. If I'm dreaming it's okay.
Otherwise I'm just unconscious and not really accomplishing anything.
Sometimes, because I have a heart condition, I won't fall into R.E.M. Sleep even if I get a full 8 hours, and THAT'S why I hate sleep: Because sometimes I'll get a full 8 hours of sleep, but I'll still wake up physically fatigued and lethargic.
But I love dreaming because I'm a crazy person and a lot of my artistic endeavors are inspired by my dreams.
Try pills? Look at the bright sight, there's like zero chance that you have FFI, which is hereditary so you'd know if someone has it + it's rare as in one in many millions....and the 'unenlightened' shouldn't even google this one. I've thought often what the worst types of diseases are and it's rabies, cancer and FFI, fatal "hereditory"(familial) insomnia which is exactly what you think it is.
Try pills? Look at the bright sight, there's like zero chance that you have FFI, which is hereditary so you'd know if someone has it + it's rare as in one in many millions....and the 'unenlightened' shouldn't even google this one. I've thought often what the worst types of diseases are and it's rabies, cancer and FFI, fatal "hereditory"(familial) insomnia which is exactly what you think it is.
See... I am not allowed sleeping tablets, but not sure how happy or sad to be about that, as I was a little worried to take em anyway lol and FFI... dont google... uhh okay I won't but I am soo intrigued nowwww
^ Not a huge loss if you don't look it up, yet to the few people who has it: I hope a cure is found asap! Same for cancer, unlike cancer which is very common this one isn't. In any case this is a reminder of how fortunate most of us are, I'm depressed for life for even watching youtube videos of children with cancer, rabies and etc...
My daughter just joined the Army. Did not sleep a minute the first three nights and started hallucinating. She ended up with thoughts of self-harm and is now getting out of the hospital. She'll probably get a medical discharge. Thing is, she's been planning for the Army for about a year and memorizing/watching everything. Our family's insane.
Honestly not being able to sleep reallyyyy gets to me. I hate it, ugh and my looks… you dont wanna know what its doing to my looks. I just miss normality, waking up feeling refreshed, a night without nightmares or weird dreams or ughh sleep paralysis.

I feel so alone, everyone else is asleep and im laying here awake by myself… I’ve been emotional in bed lately, sometimes I wish I could pass out and I think of ways to make that happen and then I think im bloody crazy 😅 I hate insomnia
You won't be the only one awake. I spend many a night awake thinking the whole world rests peaceful in bed having lovely dreams and I find myself tormented by my own brain that doesn't know how to switch off. It sucks. It's not the insomnia that's sucks, it's the no sleeping...yes I am going mad or the whole world is mad and I'm the only sane one! Well maybe a couple of sane people! The ones with insomnia are awake to the real world(play on words🤣)
On another note: drop caffeine? I literally have those "full body twitches" some times just before sleep which I read seem to be common and are result from too much caffeine + lack of sleep...
My daughter just joined the Army. Did not sleep a minute the first three nights and started hallucinating. She ended up with thoughts of self-harm and is now getting out of the hospital. She'll probably get a medical discharge. Thing is, she's been planning for the Army for about a year and memorizing/watching everything. Our family's insane.
Wow im so sorry thats awful, I never knew it was so common honestly. I hope she's home safe soon.

You won't be the only one awake. I spend many a night awake thinking the whole world rests peaceful in bed having lovely dreams and I find myself tormented by my own brain that doesn't know how to switch off. It sucks. It's not the insomnia that's sucks, it's the no sleeping...yes I am going mad or the whole world is mad and I'm the only sane one! Well maybe a couple of sane people! The ones with insomnia are awake to the real world(play on words🤣)
Why oh why must our brains work overtime whilst everyone else is catching up on their beauty sleep lol

On another note: drop caffeine? I literally have those "full body twitches" some times just before sleep which I read seem to be common and are result from too much caffeine + lack of sleep...
I dont drink caffeine, I dont do anything addictive, my personality is too addictive lol I'm just destined to be awake 24/7 I think.
Honestly not being able to sleep reallyyyy gets to me. I hate it, ugh and my looks… you dont wanna know what its doing to my looks. I just miss normality, waking up feeling refreshed, a night without nightmares or weird dreams or ughh sleep paralysis.

I feel so alone, everyone else is asleep and im laying here awake by myself… I’ve been emotional in bed lately, sometimes I wish I could pass out and I think of ways to make that happen and then I think im bloody crazy 😅 I hate insomnia
Is it a everynight kinda thing? Sometimes if you laugh still in bed and actually try and stay awake instead of trying to sleep, that can work sometimes. Like literally fight the sleep or act like your fighting sleep. Try no caffeine and maybe herbal tea before bed. I do have a ton of drug-free methods to try before the sleeping tablet/drug route. I wouldn't even recommend alcohol as that's can start a bad precedence with your brain. Hope u get a good sleep 😴😴😴
My daughter just joined the Army. Did not sleep a minute the first three nights and started hallucinating. She ended up with thoughts of self-harm and is now getting out of the hospital. She'll probably get a medical discharge. Thing is, she's been planning for the Army for about a year and memorizing/watching everything. Our family's insane.
I don't think people realise how serious it is not getting any sleep at all. The brain really starts to shut down. I hope your daughter is OK and it's sad that this has been so bad for her.

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