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user 188685

sunflower lover
May 29, 2022
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What is it about depression,that someone with depression just can't be happy with their life or see the light at the end of the tunnel?Is it that they are medically prescribed by a doctor that they have depression?And if so how are they medically prescribed by a doctor that they have depression?
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It's a viscious cycle that's very difficult to get out of. Every time they've asked me if I'm depressed. If I say no then they are fine with that answer. If I say yes then they ask why. But, I'm sure there are standards they are supposed to use for diagnosing depression. Then they can prescribe happy pills which are meant to make one feel better while the psychiatrist helps them work through their difficulties. However, some people just continue taking them.
It's a viscious cycle that's very difficult to get out of. Every time they've asked me if I'm depressed. If I say no then they are fine with that answer. If I say yes then they ask why. But, I'm sure there are standards they are supposed to use for diagnosing depression. Then they can prescribe happy pills which are meant to make one feel better while the psychiatrist helps them work through their difficulties. However, some people just continue taking them.
very true,you mean by getting addicted to them right?
I was feeling really bad one day when I was over at his house. He gave me 1/2 of one of his pills. OMG! I felt wonderful. I felt like I could do anything. I guarantee if I was prescribed happy pills I would never stop taking them. That's why I will never start taking them. I have an addictive personality.
At the time i got offered the anti depressants i was having trouble sleeping for a month. I was sleeping for only 4 hours a day and waking up at the same time, but feeling super pissed/irritable because it didn't matter how tired i was i couldn't sleep. In the end i was given 3 sleeping pills which returned my pattern back to normal and i could sleep (apparently they are mega addictive and drug addicts use them to get down from highs). But one side effect of the AD was not being able to sleep, so if i'd have taken them and i couldn't sleep again it would have made me very mad 😂 😂 . My problem with depression is once i finish doing things, i start to think about the things that got me depressed and i'm back to feeling shitty again. It's like i need to be doing something up until i sleep so i don't need to think about it, but bad things always happen to me and that accelerates it. Let's hope therapy works😂
What is it about depression,that someone with depression just can't be happy with their life or see the light at the end of the tunnel?Is it that they are medically prescribed by a doctor that they have depression?And if so how are they medically prescribed by a doctor that they have depression?
There are many different types of depression different levels some more savior than others, but neither are more or less important than one or the other (in my opinion). That is a common misconception with evaluators of prescription drugs such as doctors, therapists, psychologist who give importance to one case over another why you may ask? I have experienced in my life many different personalities in my interactions with others and they shared their stories with me some were even family which made it more meaningful and personal to me example: my cousin at the young age of thirteen years old had everything going for her she had a college scholarship lined up after she graduated, she was a straight A student very smart, she was beautiful both inside and out a loving family and sister a great home... But at 13 years of age, she shot herself through the mouth in her room with her father's gun... why? because at the age of thirteen she was developing feelings for another girl that went to soccer with her she was her best friend, and they were getting more closer, and her parents didn't accept her decision... she was found by her at the time 7-year-old sister dead on her bed blood everywhere with her brains blown out. if she would have sought help instead, she would probably still be alive and happy. As for her sister? she never did get help or seek therapy, but she is doing well at 25 years old she is a pharmacy tech some need treatment others don't. another example: another cousin of mine well sort of she is adopted but still my cousin, she was happy as a child growing up until she reached freshman year of high school, she wanted my aunt to do a look up of her family tree, so my aunt did a search for her she found out that her family originate from Hadi and that she was of African descent (nothing wrong with that) but to my cousin it crushed her she felt like none of the boys at school liked her because she was darker than most of the girls in school (side note she lives in a small town) she has never found a boyfriend she discuss this with a licensed therapist and what did the therapist do? she laughed at her... the next day she refused to go back to therapy hasn't spoken to a therapist since then and her doctor has prescribed he anti-depressant medication. I could give more examples but in short there are many different cases from savior to not so savior that people have taken their lives over have bin placed on medication for or have bin dismissed only to lead to fatal situations either for the person or for others around them.
I bought into the hype that I had a chemical imbalance in my brain. My doctor started me on Effexor, A low dose; however, as I tried to get off his prescribed medicine, I began getting brain zaps. I wish I never started.
I bought into the hype that I had a chemical imbalance in my brain. My doctor started me on Effexor, A low dose; however, as I tried to get off his prescribed medicine, I began getting brain zaps. I wish I never started.
I have bin off my medication for nearly 3 months with no side effects yet I'm sorry to hear that though hopefully it went away.
There are many different types of depression different levels some more savior than others, but neither are more or less important than one or the other (in my opinion). That is a common misconception with evaluators of prescription drugs such as doctors, therapists, psychologist who give importance to one case over another why you may ask? I have experienced in my life many different personalities in my interactions with others and they shared their stories with me some were even family which made it more meaningful and personal to me example: my cousin at the young age of thirteen years old had everything going for her she had a college scholarship lined up after she graduated, she was a straight A student very smart, she was beautiful both inside and out a loving family and sister a great home... But at 13 years of age, she shot herself through the mouth in her room with her father's gun... why? because at the age of thirteen she was developing feelings for another girl that went to soccer with her she was her best friend, and they were getting more closer, and her parents didn't accept her decision... she was found by her at the time 7-year-old sister dead on her bed blood everywhere with her brains blown out. if she would have sought help instead, she would probably still be alive and happy. As for her sister? she never did get help or seek therapy, but she is doing well at 25 years old she is a pharmacy tech some need treatment others don't. another example: another cousin of mine well sort of she is adopted but still my cousin, she was happy as a child growing up until she reached freshman year of high school, she wanted my aunt to do a look up of her family tree, so my aunt did a search for her she found out that her family originate from Hadi and that she was of African descent (nothing wrong with that) but to my cousin it crushed her she felt like none of the boys at school liked her because she was darker than most of the girls in school (side note she lives in a small town) she has never found a boyfriend she discuss this with a licensed therapist and what did the therapist do? she laughed at her... the next day she refused to go back to therapy hasn't spoken to a therapist since then and her doctor has prescribed he anti-depressant medication. I could give more examples but in short there are many different cases from savior to not so savior that people have taken their lives over have bin placed on medication for or have bin dismissed only to lead to fatal situations either for the person or for others around them.
I'm so sorry
Paxil for my BPD !
I tried to wean off it but became edgy & quick tempered & anxious...DANG ! :devilish:(n)

Depression is usually from dwelling on past emotional trauma & losses.

You must focus on today...the NOW.

Anxiety is fear of the future troubles.
Just face them if they arrive & FEAR NOT ! Be Brave.
You have come this far .... keep striving to serenity. :giggle:
Brain scans have been taken of people who have depression, and the patterns of color are much different than those of the "normal" person. So I do believe it has partly to do with chemical (hormonal) imbalance. Also, one needs to find a way to break the chain of negative thoughts that cause the imbalance to continue, which is why medication and talk therapy in combination are the most recommended methods. There are alternative treatments as well; some people have had good results from biofeedback and similar non-traditional treatments. For me, it never leaves completely, even when on medication, but I am much more "high-functioning" being on meds than I am without, and if that is addiction or dependence, so be it, I can accept it. I have only recently started therapy again after a move to a new state, but in spite of the fact that I know I have a lot of work to do, I am hopeful... Finally, I have heard despair called "an insult to God." Through my illness, I have come to believe despair is a tool of God, because when there is no earthly solution for a feeling I am having or a trial I am experiencing, I turn to Him, and I get help!
Managing troubles & fears takes effort & assistance.
Healing takes time.
Some issues may persist but at least, you are doing positive things to crush the negatives.
Be kind to yourself.
You will win the war.
Mind-body-soul -wisdom

That's a good video. I've said this many times - Diet, exercise and good sleep. Meds didn't help me, and for a period of time made things terribly worse, so I weened of and improved my lifestyle. I've even noticed that when I slip in my diet and exercise, I regress. Eat well, exercise consistently, and get good sleep.
Therapy didn't seem to work for me, I honestly think after a decade of depression and suicidal thoughts, it's ingrained inside your skull, never to come out. As someone else said, unless I'm busy or distracted, modt of my mental energy id wasted on past traumas and depressing
ideas about the world and people.

also my uncle, cousin and grandpa all got some sort of me tal disorder: uncle is autistic/has PTSD, cousin has schizophrenia, and grandpa was a psychopath (my aunt had slight sociopathic behaviour too)

I'm pretty sure I've got something too, probably slight autism, and I don't know if there are medication for that
Depression, in the context of one's psychological state of mind, is a loan word from the medical field. When some one's nervous system is, 'depressed,' for example, it means their heart rate is slower, and their breathing is slower, and perhaps their metabolism is slower.

Psychiatry has borrowed this word and repurposed it, to describe people who seem to be in a state of persistent despair; or what some tribal peoples have called, "permanent sadness."

A psychiatrist simply diagnoses, 'depression,' based on matching observable traits, or through oral self explanation, to criteria listed in the DSM-V or whatever book they are using now.

However, in my personal opinion, a persistent state of despair can have many causes, and manifest in many different ways. Some people have a very emotionally rich sadness, while others, may feel very emotionally numb and empty. Apathy seems to be quite prevalent in persistent sadness, yet, others produce some of their best work when they are morbidly melancholy; they are sort of the tortured artists.

A minor persistent despair may be simply, being stuck in a rut. While others seem to have seasonal or rhythmic bouts of melancholy/sadness/despair/depressed mood.

But where we are concerned with the word, 'depression,' we are talking about a medical loan word, adopted by psychiatry, that describes individuals who match a particular criteria; and from there, the psychiatrist has various recommended courses of drug therapy at his disposal.

A persistent low mood, may have physical causes, environmental causes, it may be related to past experiences, loss, it could be hormonal. There are a variety of different possible causes; and there are reported cases of permanently overcoming this state of mind.

There are self reported cases of people curing themselves, by, reaching a sort of cathartic point, where they have a profound realization, and just drop the whole thing and burst out of the gate into the race.

Other's swear by their anti-depressents, while others lament ever having taken them at all.

Other's go on to do some major soul searching, and finally happen about a group, notion, and/or idea, or cultural facet that sort of, 'wakes them up,' out of the fog, slowly, as if from a long slumbering dream.

It's a very interesting phenomena; and more interesting are the stories people have about how they escaped it, overcame it, or moved on it from, etc..

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