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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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    I am Absolutely Pathetic.

    I don't think meds are a magic door to the perfect life--I don't think I would call them a crutch; a tool, yes. Anything abused or used in excess can be harmful, like any crutch, but for certain people meds can be like the helping hand that pulls you to your feet so that you can walk forward on...
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    I don't understand why I can't connect with other people

    I've had similar feelings, like no matter what I couldn't connect with anyone. I know this might seem so obvious as to be silly, and maybe you've already tried it, but what are your interests? Maybe you can join some sort of group related to something you enjoy, so you'd have a circle of people...
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    I am Absolutely Pathetic.

    It's true, meds are not for everyone; I certainly don't want to encourage blindly rushing to the pharmacy to grab pills. Just wanted to share my experience and show that it is something to think about.
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    My Pathetic Life

    You deserve 2b alive.
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    I am Absolutely Pathetic.

    Hey. I have a question. Did you always feel this lack of motivation and tendency towards isolation, even as a kid? Or if not, when did it start? I ask because I've been in an extremely similar place as you. As a kid I was on the shy side but still social and energetic. But starting around the...