Recent content by Blue Spectre

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Blue Spectre

    Tell me a bit about yourself.

    Thanks, you too.
  2. Blue Spectre

    My constant Existential Whining:

    As the days march past, the emptiness within me grows.I'm out of songs to save me from drowning everyday. I can't relate, express or feel anything but this grey emotional haze.She is so beautiful, and I know that she will never care.Beauty is so cruel. Everyday it butchers me.I can't see a way...
  3. Blue Spectre

    Tell me a bit about yourself.

    Friends are overrated.  :D Thanks! The feeling is mutual.
  4. Blue Spectre

    Tell me a bit about yourself.

    true that
  5. Blue Spectre

    Cant' stop thinking something's wrong with me

    Anytime man...I could recommend you a really cool album that might help, well that is if you haven't already heard of it.
  6. Blue Spectre

    Cant' stop thinking something's wrong with me

    I've been there and I still kind of am. to be honest this planet is filled with morons. not that we are apart from them but we are a different kind. Sounds to me like you've got a lot of reason to be depressed. I'll tell you about a secret weapon... its called rage. be angry...
  7. Blue Spectre

    Tell me a bit about yourself.

    I know a lot of people have it way worse than me...but that doesn't change my situation. in this age of virtual peace and mass media hypnosis, it's hard to find reason and meaning. so I decided to join a university student movement where we help the underprivileged, the elderly and the...
  8. Blue Spectre

    Tell me a bit about yourself.

    sometimes I feel like I want to change all of this but that would make me someone else....most people think that I'm a quiet and shy person which is not true...what I found out recently is that being in everyone's good books will eventually lead to a disaster...because that means I never...
  9. Blue Spectre

    Tell me a bit about yourself.

    well yeah, sometimes you meet someone who understands. And thank you.
  10. Blue Spectre

    Tell me a bit about yourself.

    Hello everyone, ....I'm 19 yo dude with a hyperactive imagination and a tendency to daydream about alternate realities. Been a loner all my life. I always feel like an outsider. Sometimes I get really depressed for a lot of reasons. I have a lot of self-doubts.Never really understood the point...