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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. C

    What is wrong with me?

    Yeah, I didn't think that he could have an emotional need to be in a relationship, just to be in one - definitely unhealthy. I know there are people like that. could be that he believes he found "the one" in her. But she did say that she likes him alot and that there's chemistry...
  2. C

    n____n I love My Boss

    Hi Sophia: I'm sure she meant it or you wouldn't have gotten a gift and she definitely would not have gone out of her way to make cupcakes. She sounds sweet and she'll probably miss you. It's nice to have a boss like that. Congrats on your achievement! I had a sweet boss once. She got...
  3. C

    What is wrong with me?

    Hi Cheaptrickfan: Although the guy is coming on strong, it seems he really likes you and is into you. You've known him a couple of years, so you know him pretty well. You describe it as on-again-off-again. What were the reasons for the "off-agains"? Maybe you're just a little scared. It's...
  4. C

    The Vagina game (Don't read if you are easily offended)

    I'm laughing so hard, but I'll engage: Death at a Vagina (Death at a funeral) Trading Vaginas (Trading Places) OMG, I have a couple more: Good Vagina Hunting (Good Will Hunting) Jersey Vagina (Jersey Girl) Rosemary's Vagina (Rosemary's Baby) Ok, I'm done for now.
  5. C

    The Deathmatch Game

    I'd say Count Chocula. The Trix rabbit seemed too scatter-brained to me. Here's an oldie... Mr. Furley or Mr. Roper?
  6. C

    feedback please

    Hi Waiting: I, too, am sorry that you're down. I don't know if lonliness=depression. I know it is a symptom, but I'm not convinced it is the cause in all cases. I just think that we're sort of made this way (like a brunette is a brunette). Maybe I'm in denial. But I think a person knows...
  7. C

    Hi all! Intimidated newbie here...

    Yep. Awww, thank you Sara. That is a sweet thing to say. I do get chatty when I'm warmed up. I'm going to make it a point to tone it down. Nice to meet ya, by the way.
  8. C

    A new member for Northern Ireland.

    Hi Nomis. I don't know where the lonliness stems from when your life seems fulfilling from the outside looking in. Truth be told, it's because people can't or won't always look into your heart to see what's there. But after being on these forums for a little while, I see how common it is...
  9. C

    Salutations- a new lonely soul

    Hi Fading! I'm sorry you've experienced so much loss so young. I lost one parent when I was a child and several others along the way, so I can relate. Perhaps that is where the feeling of "something missing" stems from. When you lose those you love, it's like a piece of you is gone for each...
  10. C

    Am I really a loser?

    Hi Peter. No, I do not think you are a loser. You found this site because you were searching for an outlet. And guess what - you found it and you aren't alone in your feelings. Eating alone is horrible - I know. To me, it almost feels like a waste to cook because there's no one to share it...
  11. C

    Hi there from Ireland and from a Spanish resident

    Hi Sara! This forum does help when feeling blue. You won't be alone here. Oh, and if you have the "luck-of-the-Irish", would you throw some this way?? LOL!
  12. C

    A gloomy person from a sunny place

    Hi and welcome from another insomniac (well, tylenol pm sort of fixes that for me). This is a great place to be when you can't sleep!
  13. C

    New person lurking around

    Hi bbm and welcome. I'm new too and it took a little while to get comfortable enough to post.
  14. C

    Hi all! Intimidated newbie here...

    Thank you, everyone, for the welcome. I posted right before I went on a trip, so the thanks is overdue!
  15. C

    Hi all! Intimidated newbie here...

    I found this site last week just google-ing as I've read so many of you have in your posts. I have to say I was captivated by all of the threads. I read for hours over the last few days. Some posts were funny, some casual, some fun, and others so heartbreaking I could cry. I wanted to reach...