Recent content by Cosmicsleeper

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Cosmicsleeper

    What is the dumbest thing you have ever done?

    Lived past birth.
  2. Cosmicsleeper

    On the off-chance this sparks someone's interest

    34/F/USA Not looking to fulfil some delusional romantic fantasy, or anything. Just looking for someone to have stimulating conversation with.  Tbh, I don't even care if you're from another country, either.  Female, or male - doesn't matter, really, though female camaraderie is always...
  3. Cosmicsleeper

    What Has Lockdown Taught You And Have You Picked Up Anything Positive From It?

    That this world truly is just lost. There's nothing I want from it, anymore. As far as lockdown, it was nothing new to me, as I'd already been living reclusive. When I wanted to go out, I went out. It's beyond me how people actually stayed in their houses against their will for a year.
  4. Cosmicsleeper

    What do you do when loneliness hits you?

    Drink, distract myself with mindless bullshit on Youtube, daydream.
  5. Cosmicsleeper

    Ah how I miss 2007 and 2008😭😭😭

    Same boat.  It's insane how time flies when you're... doing nothing.  33, going on 34 and nothing to show for it.
  6. Cosmicsleeper

    Women initiating sex

  7. Cosmicsleeper

    My enemy is myself

    fresia this world
  8. Cosmicsleeper

    It gets better when you turn 30

    I am 32, and it never got better for me, but I suppose now I don’t care any longer. I’m waiting on God and have resigned from this world, its expectations, my expectations for my life. The only thing I look forward to is escaping this matrix.
  9. Cosmicsleeper


    Hrm. I considered it and upon looking up the actual definition of an existentialist, I’d have to conclude that I am in fact, not one. At least, not anymore — since it technically conflicts with the Christian way.
  10. Cosmicsleeper


    I was a member here under a different name a few months back, grew kind of disillusioned with the place and left. I’d actually found a great person to chat with, but they kept disappearing for months at a time, and now have presumably gone AWOL for good. Honestly, I see no reason to expect any...
  11. Cosmicsleeper

    What made you cry today?

    Just generally feeling flawed, confused.