Dark One

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Why do people I know keep dieing? 30 people in 2 years died strangely. Several people I used to know appeared to be eaten by something. Why do people I talk to turn up dead months later? Is satan here watching me and everyone around me? Are demons waiting for me to be dead?

It was two years ago and my parents were out of town as well as my girlfriend so I was sitting in my house all alone. Suddenly my dog begins to bark. However it was not his usual 'someones at the door' bark or his 'I need to go out' bark it was a 'SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY WRONG GET THE fresia OUT OF THE HOUSE FOOD GUY' bark. So I am kind of worried and I go downstairs to check on him and hes just standing near the basement staircase, whimpering. I look down the staircase into the dark abyss of my basement and think "There is no ******* way I am going down there". I consider my options, I can either A) Go downstairs and get eaten by the radioactive creeper zombie redead B) Go downstairs with a bat and still get eaten by the radioactive creeper zombie redead who is probably also a vampire satan or C) Eat pizza and hope it goes away. As I was leaning towards C an alarm goes off that sounds like an air raid siren and I nearly piss myself in fear. I grab my dog and bolt to my car. I call the alarm company and they tell me that there is a possible carbon monoxide leak in my house. 20 minutes later the alarm company arrives and realize that it was not a leak but just the alarm shorting out. They say they fixed it and it is safe to go back into my house. To this day I still do not know what the hell happened in my basement that freaked my dog out. The alarm was upstairs...

TL;DR My dog freaks out at something in the basement my carbon monoxide detector shorts out, my dog freaks out at something downstairs, detector is upstairs

EDIT 1 Food guy is what I believe my dog calls me. Its from a book

EDIT 2 Thanks for the overwhelming response, keep the creepy stories coming

EDIT 3 Well I have been reading through all the responses and well I probably wont be sleeping for the next week...or... month

All gone now since this happened.


I just gits werder and werder.

Ma nam is Ralhie. Can I gets kisses?