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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. D

    Time with my daughter

    I asked her the following weekend how was the play date, and she that she did not go because she was sick. Now I am trying to figure out why her mother did not just tell me she was sick?
  2. D

    What do yopu do when you have no redeeming qualities?

    Know that you are not alone in life, other people have the same problems you do. I am one of them, I don't have all the same problems you do and I hve so that you did not list. I over weight and losing my hair, and divorced (she got all the friends in the divorce). I hold out hope that it will...
  3. D

    How old are you?

  4. D

    Time with my daughter

    A play date is what they call it when younger kids hang out. She six year old, she won't start hanging out until two to three years from now. She growing up to fast!!!!
  5. D

    If You Could Change Something About Yourself, What Would It Be?

    So many things to choose from, I don't know where to start!
  6. D

    some of the things you want to do before you die

    I have always wanted to follow a MLB team on a road trip and visit the other stadiums.
  7. D

    Time with my daughter

    I texted the ex today to see if my daughter could come over after I got off work. I have not seen her in a couple of day and wanted to spend time with her. She told me that she couldn't because she had a play date. I didn't push the issue because if she really had a play date with another friend...
  8. D

    Age ratio at A Lonely Life

    35... I feel like the old guy here.
  9. D

    Dating a man who slep with 100 women?

    Why would a women want to date a men who slept with a 100 women? Beside the rise of STD, this man either does not know what he wants, or is just trying to hook up with any women he can.
  10. D

    New, 20, lonely, possibly for life, trying to cope with it

    Hey Shady123, sorry to hear about your health problems.
  11. D

    New User

    I am in my mid thirty and divorced. Been having trouble getting back in to the world. The ex got the friends in the divorce and I'm finding it difficult to make new ones. Having trouble getting past the divorce and not sure what the first step should be. I hope this is a step in the right direction.