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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. I

    I know what makes people popular!

    Perhaps manipulative was too strong a word. However, I think "being themselves" doesn't actually mean anything, because "themselves" could be exactly what I described, which could be what "high social intelligence" actually means. I've never seen a particularly popular person who had an...
  2. I

    I know what makes people popular!

    I had an epiphany about 30 minutes ago and it suddenly occurred to me what makes some people popular - it's that those people are socially manipulative. These people focus everything they do on how it will be viewed by other people. This extends to how they dress, how they speak, what they say...
  3. I

    Bad experience with police officer

    Thanks solace, and thank you for the suggestions for my scarring, and for the advice regarding the playback of bad memories. Yesterday I decided to force myself to go to an outdoor mall. It was very difficult and I was physically shaking from nerves, but I sat down on a bench and took out a...
  4. I

    Bad experience with police officer

    Thank you for your suggestions, Lonesome Crow. I actually attended a church for a few weeks last year. I'm not even a Christian but I was feeling very lonely. The people were nice but I was just so awkward and I think it showed so I stopped going. I might try to attempt your mall idea, if I can...
  5. I

    Bad experience with police officer

    Today I finally realized that I cannot just keep avoiding social contact forever. Eventually it will backfire on me. Here's what happened. I go on walks to get exercise but due to extreme social anxiety, running into people or even just passing them when I go on walks is a miserable...
  6. I

    If a girl doesn't answer or return your phone call after a date

    No. I've had my feelings hurt so many times - actually, every time I've ever tried to make friends with anyone, they've betrayed me and hurt my feelings - by both guys and girls and never told any of them how I felt.
  7. I

    A story of me

    This is great, but would you mind sharing how you met them and what you did to get them to like you (before you turned into one of them)?