Recent content by lonewolf93

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. L

    Who has virgin lips?

    I'm turning 18 in two weeks and I've still got 'virgin lips' as you call it. It's not something I'm proud of not because I want to be a ' show-off conqueror of women ' but because it shows how unable I've been to became close to anyone from outside of my family.
  2. L

    Umm.. Hello everyone.

    That's what the wolves do to survive - hide from human eye. They hunt in groups. They are dependent on each other. Cats can hunt alone because they shrunk. That's why they don't need to hunt bigger animals. They share their meal. They have strong family bonds. It's easier to be a cat because...
  3. L

    Not really sure how to gets so old.

    Hey Linda! I'm happy you've joined this forum. I'm sure there are people who will do their best to help you feel better and maybe find a clue on how to change something in your life and make it less lonely. I'm one of these people, or at least I'll try to become one of them :D I know how you...
  4. L

    Need somebody

    You're wrong. They didn't mean it that way. I think they felt awkward because you were too eager to get into close relationship with them. It's like when you don't do a specific thing at all and when you start doing it, you can't stop and overdo it. It's just like that when it comes to relations...
  5. L

    would you date an asian woman?

    Who said there is something wrong? I am absolutely positive about dating an Asian woman.
  6. L

    Umm.. Hello everyone.

    Hello Akyia! I think it's a really good idea to open up to people. It can bring forth a smile itself ;) I haven't seen a wild wolf in my whole life. They're endangered here in Poland. It's hard to find them as they hide in the wilds. They live in the mountains and I live far away from there...
  7. L

    would you date an asian woman?

    I would date a woman of any race if we would get on well with each other though my favourite races of women (sounds strange but I mean appearance archetype) are European and Asian. Asian women seem mysterious to me. Also, they've got very beautiful hair.
  8. L

    Would you rather..

    A samurai Would you rather become a vampire or a werewolf?
  9. L

    Keep one, Junk one

    rainy day
  10. L

    Type with your elbow.

    zsd wklbbikki ( was supposed to be zsd woohoo - the first part went well, the second... ) cAIL (lol ELBOW CAPS LOCK ftw xD)
  11. L

    Umm.. Hello everyone.

    Thanks lone_drow! Your nickname is cool, too. I can see that you are interested in Forgotten Realms, or Drows at least :D I have many hobbies. I like reading books and manga, watching good movies and anime. I just love listening to music. There are many bands I could list here, just as there...
  12. L

    I can't stand being ignored in a group

    Thanks! I am definitely going to try it next time I find myself in that kind of situation :) Also smaller groups are okay but it's sometimes hard because of close relations between SOME of the people in these groups. For example, 4 people are chatting and two of them are a couple. Sometimes you...
  13. L

    anteyesuicide O.o

    Hi. I'm happy you're against suicides. And even more because of your anti-suicide cause on yt. Good luck with it and see you on the board ;)
  14. L

    I can't stand being ignored in a group

    I don't know if it passes as a social problem, but... when I'm in a group of people and they're all chatting with each other I always feel like I'm being ignored as they don't include me in their conversations and when I try to join in, they change the topic even though I AM THERE all the time...
  15. L

    Post freely on this board

    I started feeling alone again today.. I've already forgotten how if feels like. Not because I was happy spending my time with other people. I've been alone all the time, though I didn't care and tried to change it...