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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. N

    Parent issues

    I mean, I've thought about that, I've tried improving my relations with him, but I stopped after I started realizing that he's reay stubborn and isn't going to change. He's also not really a social person, he has a room in the house where he stays there on his computer 24/7. Here's something...
  2. N

    Parent issues

    So here's the deal; I am sick and tired of my parents constantly arguing. Especially when my dad berates me for little things, my mom steps in to my defense, then he turns and gets mad at her for defending me. A little back story... My mom was a doctor in another country. She worked at a...
  3. N

    My life has been one big disappointment

    So I just finished my first semester at college. And I feel like I'm at a breaking point. Anyway where to begin... It all started around middle school. My grades started to sink, and my mom called me inutíl. Seeing as I live in a Spanish household, and partly that I didn't know what the word...
  4. N

    My view on religion (May depress you)

    Well, I actually can kinda agree with some of the stuff on here. Life is unfair, and is full of suffering. I sorta believe in God but all this is dwindling, due to all the bad stuff that's happened to me.
  5. N

    Do you like your birthday??

    I guess I could say that I hate my birthday too. My parents always get so worked up with me around the time that my birthday takes place. I always end up getting yelled at, grounded, or both, which sorta kills the special day for me. They seem to treat me like I'm still 5 or something, as if...
  6. N

    What kept/keeps you from suicide?

    Everything I haven't done yet in my life. And considering I'm in high school, that's quite a lot. I've thought about it many times, but in the end I decide to pull through and see whats coming up in the future.
  7. N


    Hi there! I'm currently about to start my last year in high school (thank god). These past few years have been almost a living hell for me. My parents act completely insane sometimes, favor my sister over me, and I barely have any close friends. I actually heard this forum from a friend and...