Recent content by Rob625

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Rob625

    Ordered 3 books. Has anyone read these?

    Hey everyone I just ordered couple books and was wondering if you have read them and how were they? 1: The Introverts Way 2:party of one: the loners manifesto 3: Solitude by Anthony Storrs Two others I considered were Solitude a philosophical encounter by Koch The call of solitude: alone time...
  2. Rob625

    What are you watching right now?

    Bizarre foods with Andrew Zimmerman. Love this show
  3. Rob625

    List of what state everyone is from...

    Illinois about an hour southwest of Chicago
  4. Rob625

    Can anyone else here honestly say that they don't have a single friend

    I would say my wife is my only friend. Tried to make a friend at work, which I sort of did for a while. But I don't ever call him to hang out unless my wife makes me. I'm ok with no friends. Starting to enjoy time alone. I never used to like time alone. Strange how that changed.
  5. Rob625

    New user from Illinois

    Thanks for the welcome guys
  6. Rob625

    Email or gaming friend

    Hey shade, sent u a pm with my email. Rob
  7. Rob625

    New user from Illinois

    Hey everyone, I'm married with 6 kids. Recovered alcoholic with 4.5 years sober. I have social anxiety. My wife is always telling me to make friends and go out and do things. I just don't like to. Social things are hard for me. I'd rather be quiet than try and carry on conversation. I don't...