
Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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I'm a student working to get into part-time welding while I study engineering.
My ultimate goal would be to get into robotics or something along those lines though if I ever get lucky enough, I would love to work in some field related to space exploration.

I suppose my hobbies are fairly predictable. I like video games, programming (not very experienced), some animation, things like that (of course, that's not to say I'm some pimply freak or that I'm indiscriminate with what I like and can't blend in with society).

I also like writing, though there's no specific rule to that. People will often ask me what I write, but its really just any creative writing in the end. I've written poetry, essays and once tried to write a few pages of a failed novel/short story idea.

Besides that, I'm actually fairly miserable at the moment. I don't feel like I've accomplished much in my life. I mostly just sit at home doing nothing or spend my time at school taking classes, the information from which likely won't even be used later on.
I've never dated before, I'm a virgin and some unnamed doctors long ago in my childhood arbitrarily decided that I would stay that way my whole life and gave me a fake diagnosis that eats at me every day as I continue to fulfill their apparent predictions.

I'm not sure if my social life would classify as normal and I'm not sure if it would classify as healthy. Two different things, interestingly enough; What with the way modern society is, I'm surprised anyone can be social.
The only friends or social life I really hold right now are just people who like pen and paper games and are not socially normal or people I can really relate to much besides a few hobbies that they don't approach the same way or have any sense of quality or humour. Though I don't really hate them, they are less real friends to me than a situation that makes me hate myself and feel like won't meet any body I can share anything with really.

Naturally as a student I have no job. If I'm not doing school, say its the summer, I'm stuck at home with absolutely nothing to do but rot in front of a PC all day.
But lately, I don't even like school. I'm tired of the stress and weird class hours. Lately sometimes I feel like I just want out of it and to get a job and a home of my own. This is all essentially why I took up welding in case I mess up school.

There is of course more, but I guess I'll leave it for the forums. I don't really know where to go from here.
Jun 26, 1988 (Age: 35)
Portland metro area