Recent content by Tyreaus Dreacon

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Tyreaus Dreacon

    If you had one wish.....

    Dental operation when I was younger. Wouldn't have such messed teeth then.
  2. Tyreaus Dreacon


    Ello Mavy.
  3. Tyreaus Dreacon


    -hugs back- I certainly do hope so Wolfy. :) Mucho gracias mi amigo.
  4. Tyreaus Dreacon


    My name is Ty, and some will probably recognize me as an old poster on Bjarne's other site, Moviecodec. I'm here because I wanted to find a different place than the norm I usually frequent. All of the other places have basically left me stranded, and for me, I can't socialize very well...