Recent content by UpsideE23

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. U

    How to defend yourself against bullies?

    Like what style? Kung fu karate or taekwondo?
  2. U

    How to defend yourself against bullies?

    How do you overcome them when they try to act tough, threaten or intimidate you? I don't get it? They act really tough to me and i do whatever they tell me or ask me to do for them. If I try to stand up to them then they get even more mad and will beat the *** out of me. what I don't understand...
  3. U

    How do I blend in with friends who drink when I don't :(

    Okay thanks guys! I'll try.
  4. U

    How do I blend in with friends who drink when I don't :(

    A lot of my friends will go out once a while to drink at friends house or at a party or a bar and I want to know what I can do if I'm not drinking but want to disguise or pretend like I am without having to get drunk or not even have to drink. what are some good tricks I can do to pretend?