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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. WhatDidYouDoNick

    help me please

    Hey Kyle, very sorry to hear about your troubles, but am glad you decided to reach out and ask for some help. I'll give you my advice, but it's just my humble opinion. But I think it's a good option tho ;) Fake it. Play a role. Pretend you're an actor and you're playing the role of being...
  2. WhatDidYouDoNick


    Thanks for all the warm welcomes! Sorry for the delay in responding.. just got back from a week long trip visiting family. @Arachne - No, never been to Salt Spring Island. My passport expired and haven't been into Canada for a few years now. But going to get it renewed ;) @Peaches - We had...
  3. WhatDidYouDoNick

    word association game

  4. WhatDidYouDoNick

    Are you shy to invite woman to dinner? My 101 for first date.

    Just wondering... did you make things up to avoid going out, or to cancel after saying "yes" to going out? What compels a person to say "yes" but then change their mind later? Do they say yes because they aren't comfortable turning a person down face-to-face, so they defer it to a safer time...
  5. WhatDidYouDoNick


    I have to disagree with you 9006, on this point. I have zero fear of grouped holes. And I grew up in a family of bee keepers, where there were actually things living on/in grouped holes (bees raise larvae in comb, not just use it for honey storage). Still, not even a twinge.
  6. WhatDidYouDoNick


    Well, I might has well add mine to the mix... I fear parking next to concrete pillars. Ya know, the ones you find in public parking garages. This goes beyond the rational reason that the car could get scraped, and into full-on anxiety attack. But I've made progress on this one. I can usually...
  7. WhatDidYouDoNick


    I'm oddly and overly fascinated by this condition.
  8. WhatDidYouDoNick


    I can truly say that I've never heard of that phobia before. Is it any hole? Or does it just strike unexpectedly with a series or pattern of holes?
  9. WhatDidYouDoNick


    Hi Arachne, actually yes! I'm on San Juan Island, Friday Harbor.
  10. WhatDidYouDoNick

    Hello all

    Hi Gar, I bid you a warm welcome! I'm a newcomer as well, but my experience so far has been very positive.
  11. WhatDidYouDoNick

    Trying to save a 5 year relationship.

    Sorry I wasn't clear. I was actually referring to the first incident. "...infidelity on her part which we squashed and forgave together already." I suppose I missed the mark, as it was stated to have been forgiven, and it wasn't really the focus of the topic. Tho my feelings still hold true...
  12. WhatDidYouDoNick


    I'm new to this forum! So a big "Hi!" to all you fine people. The technical details: I'm a 48 year old male currently residing in Washington state. I recently moved out to an island, lost my spouse, and thus find myself alone (except for my fuzzy pup-dog). I work from home and only venture from...
  13. WhatDidYouDoNick

    Trying to save a 5 year relationship.

    Hi, I'm brand new here! Since you're asking for opinions, I'll provide mine. But it is only that, an opinion. You are the only person who knows what you want and what you should do. I feel infidelity is a violation of trust that will ultimately undermine any traditional relationship. It's a...