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  1. Sir Joseph

    No subject

    Ignore me if you're not in the mood for a Sunday sermon Sadmoongaze, but someone needs to say it at least once to you. Okidoke has done well in offering a practical, specific, secular view to give you strength and encouragement; now allow me to offer a spiritual view - from a Christian...
  2. Sir Joseph

    If Only...

    You know, there is a king who has decreed that we love him and love others. And though the present world has fallen in this regard, the future new world and life we call heaven is awaiting those who want to be a part of it. Reservations are being accepted now for a limited time, available...
  3. Sir Joseph

    Christmas Wishes

    Darn, my memory fails me again or I wouldn't have posted a repeat video. I had other good options and will try to do better next year. Thanks for your kindness.
  4. Sir Joseph

    Christmas Wishes

    Yes Okidoke, thanks for adding this thread. Hope your Covid is a mild case as most are these days. For anyone not attending a Christmas church service but perhaps wanting some kind of real connection with the religious reason for the season, here's an interesting sermon you might consider...
  5. Sir Joseph

    The Original Intent of Thanksgiving

    While most Americans enjoy a day off work, family gatherings, and a turkey dinner feast, I'd remind everyone that Thanksgiving was celebrated as a Christian holiday for many years before degenerating into the secular one we see today. Here's a few words from the nation's first Proclamation for...
  6. Sir Joseph

    hit a wall (metaphorically)

    You're not alone in your struggles, so pray for strength and healing as I will too.
  7. Sir Joseph

    Not sure where to turn

    Your situation does sound legitimately distressing Pettyfoozer, so yes, you do have some sympathy and support here. Others have already given good advice, but I'll add this. If you have any friends or family that you could communicate with more often, do so via video chat. While it may be a...
  8. Sir Joseph

    The effects of a belief system

    Fair enough Constantin. I've read your comments carefully and watched part of the videos. It's time now to accept that we disagree vehemently on just about everything and thus no further attempts at influncing the other will be productive. I do wish you well in all things and hold no...
  9. Sir Joseph

    I'm alone, and I'm scared for what the future holds...

    Welcome here from another born and raised Buckeye that's since moved on to other states and eventual world travel. Your situation does sound like others here, but I'll give a different Christian perspective beyond the valid suggestions TheRealCallie makes. We all go through life making and...
  10. Sir Joseph

    The effects of a belief system

    Your anger towards God is apparent Constantine and a common reaction from some people who have struggled with hard lives. And yet, there are hundreds of millions of poor, starving, imprisoned, disabled, or otherwise hurting individuals that embrace God despite their problems. My best friend is...
  11. Sir Joseph

    The effects of a belief system

    As a Christian, I'm certain that my faith significantly affects and strengthens my mental and emotional well being. It's my rock, my foundation for understanding the world, life's purpose, and my means of engaging with it. I can't speak for others, but here's a telling story from a few...
  12. Sir Joseph

    Reality Check on America's Christian Heritage

    I know there are many that tout the notion of separation of church and state, not understanding the misinterpreted Jefferson source or founding fathers' actual writings on the matter. The irreligious cling to it though, trying in vain to shelter their worldly environment from any sign of the...
  13. Sir Joseph

    The Official ALL Kudos Thread Of Much Rejoicing

    Kudos and thanks to Abstanmyous, Butterfly2, CenotaphGirl, Dan27, Finished, Hazed, Okidoke, Rvansun, Sunflowergirl1306, and TheRealCallie for liking many of my posts. In an environment often antagonistic to any Christian perspective, such encouragement is appreciated. May God bless you.
  14. Sir Joseph

    I'm back (again)

    Welcome back Thomas. Perhaps it's a better sign if people don't have to come here, but it's good to know that there's always a place to come where people will listen and share.
  15. Sir Joseph

    Running out of options

    I'm going to give you a Christian perspective that you're free to dismiss like most do, but give it a read and consideration if you will. We all have personality traits and flaws that limit our relationships with others. Some of us try to work on them and improve in life, but it's hard to...
  16. Sir Joseph

    Reconnecting with School Friends

    I can relate completely Okidoke. In my final working years as retirement approached, I became more sentimental about friendships lost along the way. As a life long single, I had always been good at staying in touch with friends, but their busy lives too often didn't allow it. In other words...
  17. Sir Joseph

    Another Example of intolerable extremists.

    Since posting the article, I have read another article that questions my whole premise. I concede that there's a significant difference between...
  18. Sir Joseph

    Another Example of intolerable extremists.

    By easy case, I trust you mean DOD will lose and have to retract their new policy. You know I hope that the U.S. Constitution only yields rights to people, thus dogs don't have a legal right to religious freedom. And to date, I've not read of any dog trying to make such a case. I think I...
  19. Sir Joseph

    Another Example of intolerable extremists.

    I can't find the certain answer for that on-line Okidoke, but having worked for the governement and knowing DOD's extreme nature of administrative control and accountability, I'd expect each handler to be issued official tags for his dog which contains necessary ID information. Whether the...
  20. Sir Joseph

    Another Example of intolerable extremists.

    In this case, it's the ironically mislabeled Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) objecting to canine handling soldiers expressing their Christian faith. It seems that putting Biblical scripture dog tags on their service animals offends MRFF's intention for a godless society. Once...