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  1. Sunless Sky

    I have a ... In my home , do you?

    No. I have a katana in my home, do you?
  2. Sunless Sky

    Ask a question for the next person!

    Why not?! They look really good. I have a fear of heights, whatever that is called. Are you risk-averse?
  3. Sunless Sky

    Ask a question for the next person!

    No. I can forgive her if she's truly sorry but trust her again? No, don't see that happening. Would you kill someone for a klondike bar?
  4. Sunless Sky

    Ask a question for the next person!

    Not right now but I used to take vitamin D, magnesium, and omega 3 supplements. Do you think it's best to be respected or feared?
  5. Sunless Sky

    Am I a Narcissist?

    I check my reflection because I am insecure about my looks. It's definitely not to admire myself. I check my hair, to see if it's presentable, I check my clothes, to see if anything is out of place, sometimes I even flex to see how I look then. Even after I check everything is in place, I still...
  6. Sunless Sky

    Marrying below your station

    No, I am upper middle class.
  7. Sunless Sky

    What video game are you currently playing ?

    Like a dragon infinite wealth. Loved it from start to finish. I played all the yakuza/like a dragon games and they all have their own charm. But this one was by far the most developed in regards to side content.
  8. Sunless Sky

    Marrying below your station

    She has her own career, so yes of course she will contribute financially. Doesn't make much sense for her to work and not contribute.
  9. Sunless Sky

    Talk to your boss

    Imagine I am your boss at work. You will be fired unless you tell me why you should keep your job without using the letter "e".
  10. Sunless Sky

    Am I a Narcissist?

    I enjoy fighting as in like a physical fight. I don't go out of my way to seek it though as I am more of a pacifist but, when I did use to fight in the ring, I enjoyed it immensely. It's not like I am gonna enjoy fighting my future wife. Come on now.
  11. Sunless Sky

    Marrying below your station

    It's nothing sordid. There are two lists, male and female. Women get together in the mosque or through social media and add to the list. Things like location, occupation, preferances in a partner, etc... The men do the same of course and then lists are passed to people who are looking for...
  12. Sunless Sky

    Am I a Narcissist?

    Hello everyone, hope your day/night is going well. I've asked this question of myself before but I never came up with a solid answer yet. That is, one that hasn't convinced me yet. Am I psychopathic since I do enjoy violence a lot? I don't have uncontrollable violent urges I just enjoy a good...
  13. Sunless Sky

    Marrying below your station

    Now that you mention lying. Is all lying a problem for you? Or it is lies that hurt others the problem? For example, one lie can be about finances or infedility (lie that hurts others) or a lie about how that person is doing because they'd rather deal with their own problems than make loved...
  14. Sunless Sky

    Marrying below your station

    I get what you mean. My mother had a similar experience where she had to learn to take care of herself. Even in her marriage, she did a PhD, lectured, raised three boys, and took care of her invalid parents all by herself. But, when I discussed this with her, she told me that men should be...
  15. Sunless Sky

    Marrying below your station

    Most women like to feel taken care of, supported, and protected. Not because they can't do that for themselves, it's just something they expect from their romantic partners. So, a partner not providing that will cause issues down the line. Do you agree or disagree?
  16. Sunless Sky

    Marrying below your station

    "In theory" you just said it. Think about it though. If you had no family to take you in on either side, no one to turn to. Would you be happy being with someone, maybe even have a family with someone, if you had to live on the street? Or would you rather attract someone with a job and a home...
  17. Sunless Sky

    Marrying below your station

    You don't think that's a bit much? I mean, it's "Love conquers all" and everything but would you really be happy living on the street just because you were with someone you loved? I can't say I've experienced such strong romantic love before.
  18. Sunless Sky

    Marrying below your station

    This reminds me of something Louis ck said (he's probably not the first to say it but he's the first I heard). "People don't down. They up or across" It's vulgar but in there is the question I had. Let's play devil's advocate though. As a hypothetical, If there was an upper middle...
  19. Sunless Sky

    Marrying below your station

    It's not an arranged marriage per se. You see, I choose someone from the list and, with her agreement of course, then we start talking, going out, and getting to know each other to see if there is chemistry/compatibility there. After some time and many talks/dates, we get the families involved...
  20. Sunless Sky

    Marrying below your station

    Funny you should say that. The woman that I am currently seeing does work in human resources.