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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Beyondthefourwalls

    Sartre vs Wittgestein

    Sartre once said: "Hell is other people". To which Wittgestein responded: "Hell is not other people; it is yourself." Two brilliant philosophers, and two opossing views, without going to deep on whatever they truly meant or their philosophy, and applying this little opposition to the theme of...
  2. Beyondthefourwalls

    The Bubble

    I walk through the college campus, i see dozens of couples enjoying a kiss, or simply laying in the field, dreaming. Im on facebook, and i see relationship status change all the time, from single to in a relanshionship and viceversa. Also the pictures, a couple kissing each other its a pretty...
  3. Beyondthefourwalls

    Hi, just searching some catharsis

    Well, here it goes: Im a 22 year old who lives in Costa Rica(lol, i tend to seek english speaking forums, i guess it helps me to open myself to have some distance from my daily life) Well, like most of the people here, im lonely. I guess that not a good enough intro. I never being a very...