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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. M

    I want a Buddy:-)

    Hey! I can be your buddy! Feel free to PM me! ^^ I can't PM you! It says it's disabled. :c
  2. M

    interest groups

    Gaming - Mostly Steam and Online games. Science - Mostly Chemistry and Biology, I like to discuss about how things work from a Chemical or Biological perspective. Imagination - I like talking or even analysing Sub cultures, Tropes and alternative realities presented by movies, ganes, or even...
  3. M

    Ever force yourself to cry when you don't really have to?

    I think I've been in such a shock for the past months, that sometimes I want to cry and I can't even cry. Usually, it's better to distract yourself or try to fix the issue In such occasions, or talk with someone willing to listen and help. In my case, I can't do either of those, so I just suck...
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    Just looking to chat

    Hey Sue! I like Video games as well, and some movies, but I can pretty much chat about anything! Send me a PM If you're up for a chat!
  5. M

    My Cry Day

    A simple minded man and a genius man decided to play a game. They would ask each other questions. When the simple minded man could not answer the genius man's question, he would hand over 1$. When the genius man could not answer the simple minded man's question, he would hand over 1000$. So, the...
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    Who wants to talk?

    I'm 19, and always willing to chat and make new friends! PM me if you need Someone to talk with!
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    Looking for chatbuddy! :)

    Hey! I'm a pretty nerdy person as well! PM if you wanna chat! ^^
  8. M

    Need a friend.

    Hey! You can pm me if you want! :)
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    Hey..if you need a new friend, I'm here! :) PM me.
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    I'm in a situation where I can't have friends, anyone who knows I exist unless I spam them with 15 messages just to get a hi before they magically seize to exist in this plane of existence or a partner. After being in this hole of loneliness for 10 months, I can say "Me too".
  11. M

    free hugs! XD

    Sure, I'll take, and give, one as well! ^^
  12. M

    lonely bored girl :T

    Hello there Starlight!Feel free to pm me. if you're up for a chat!
  13. M

    I pushed him away........?

    You look fine, I don't see why you would have a problem finding someone! Perhaps you're looking at the wrong places or maybe your expectations are too high. *shrugs*
  14. M

    Loneliness level quiz

    36, hmm...lots of 30+ scores..
  15. M

    I pushed him away........?

    Aww..don't get your hopes down! Maybe you could even message that Italian woman as well, tell her that he came to see you and..pardon me...not only!
  16. M

    Ugly = lonely

    Hello there Imph. What you describe..bullying because of looks and denying someone as a lover because of looks, as well as heavy mocking and causing self esteem issues are part of why I would ever support the idea of slow, agonising and lethargic torturing, Because, really, most people deserve...
  17. M

    Anyone want to be pen pals? :D

    Sure thing.
  18. M

    Is the need for friendship or companionship a negative trait today?

    But Technology is pretty much unavoidable unless you were born in an Amish culture. Technology has socially crippled everyone, or I think it has socially crippled me. I can't say something people find funny or something people find interesting and usually treat me with suspicion and implied...