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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. FollowMeDown

    Would you date someone overweight or larger.

    My honest to goodness favorite type of man is a large nerd, no more than 300 lb, but more than 200, doesn't have to be really tall. I wish I could find one.
  2. FollowMeDown

    Would you date someone overweight or larger.

    Thanks. Yeah it just feels kind of hypocritical now of me cause I used to be so big but at the same time, when you're 350+, sorry to say, things are just not pretty.
  3. FollowMeDown

    Would you date someone overweight or larger.

    I used to be over 300 lb. I will be under 200 in a bit, thank goodness. With a few exceptions, most guys I've dated were thinner than me. I like bigger men but not too big. A long time ago, I ended a budding dating relationship with someone in the past who was very much on my intellectual level...
  4. FollowMeDown


    I'm new here. I discovered this forum through Google. Trying to come to terms with the knowledge that I am indeed better off alone. I've been this way for a while and I don't see why it should change. It's a hard pill to swallow but I'm working towards acceptance. I'll post more in the relevant...