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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. beingnobody

    My own lonely island oasis

    I am isolated ad reclusive. Dysthymia, depressed, lonesome and riddled with anxiety. I rarely speak. so this forum is how I express ,my lonesomeness and various maniacs and neurosis. I have that right, just as much as anyone else on this site. Youdon't have to agree with or like what I say...
  2. beingnobody

    As the world turns

    I love watching the nonstop soap opera of the orange Toddler perpetually whining, crying, moaning for attention, acceptance, validation. Demonstrating how emotionally insecure and needy and immoral, vulgar, dishonest and fake he really is. And how his lowly educated, unintelligent base is just...
  3. beingnobody

    Riddle me this.

    Out of curiosity where would people here think I go for news, given my disdain for Trump? And to be clear, my opinion of Trump has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with character (or lack of )
  4. beingnobody

    Give me shelter

    I am beginning to believe 6hat a very large % of the type of people who worship the Orange criminal live in isolated country fishbowls where the closest they ever get to the imaginary boogeyman their Conservative heros on Fox get rich convincing them they should feel threatened by is their tv...
  5. beingnobody

    Teaching moment (on deaf ears falls) my last post I was criticized as having "nothing good to say after critemizing Tubby the Orange Toddler, Yet Trump himself, who announcer himself by disparaging women, insulting and belittling Hispanics, immigrants, Muslims, political opponents as "enemies," nothing good to say about...
  6. beingnobody

    Reticence rules

    Eggshells be sharp. People have become so delicate and fragile that intelligent thought is now in peril. Evidenced clearly by fact our country is on verge of civil war over an ex-President who is just barely literate. Honestly, if his daddy had not planted a platinum spoon in his mouth Donald...
  7. beingnobody

    Serious ?. Do you think people are getting dumber?

    To what would you attribute our backslide?
  8. beingnobody

    Life experience with guns; abbreviated

    Before age 24 I experienced 3 instances of having a shotgun pointed at my face from less than 10 feet and survived uninjured. I have had two friends killed by gun. 1 accident, 1 suicide.. i have hunted and killed small game, rabbits, squirrels and birds. Have trained and qualified multiple...
  9. beingnobody

    "Pro-Life" my caboose

    In the United States, guns are obviously valued more highly than human life. ESPECIALLY the lives of babies and children. THAT is the "mental illness" driving mass shootings. Too many Americans own AR15's out of spiteful, petulant, childish defiance. Not "need ."
  10. beingnobody

    Working woke woke

    ...woke Woke Woke WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE wWoke
  11. beingnobody


    WTF is religion "off limits?" Why is this single topic forbidden to criticize or question? It is embarrassing that anyone should be so fragile and touchy over mere words. I don't even know how any book has ever survived this assault on words and thought.
  12. beingnobody

    Where's the beef?

    I.e. politics
  13. beingnobody

    Sack of snot..

    Watching this morning TV preacherman John Hagee spinning a load of absolute cow manure "rapture" "prophecy" fear mongering guilt tripping to a cathedral full of vapid zombies who have the collective intelligence of a cup of jello Sitcom. Insult to human intelligence
  14. beingnobody

    Lurking among us...

    I just watched a TV preacherman refer to a naked woman as "evil." THAT my friends, is why religion is threat to humanity.
  15. beingnobody


    In your opinion, what one word represents what defines America?
  16. beingnobody

    mission aborted

    Yesterday, while in the doctor's waiting room, I began to experience a panic attack, hyperventilating, trembling, confusion. Almost sobbing. So I left the office, without notifying staff, before my name was called, and contacted my psychiatrist. Exhausted trom not having slept, and being in...
  17. beingnobody

    make it stop

    I rarely get headaches, but tonight my brain is splitting. And I have an appointment in 5 hours for my monthly eyeball injection. No sleep Intense family drama unfolding. My support network crumbling. Lost.
  18. beingnobody

    I'm so tired...

    I want this to be over so badly. I wish i had the strength and courage needed.