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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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    Depression Is Not The Same As Sadness

    Hey bro.  I'm so sorry for your loss.  I lost my younger brother a few years ago now to colon cancer.  I learned a lot about the grieving process from losing him.  The most helpful, and obvious in hindsight, thing I learned was that grieving is indeed a process.  Look into the stages.  I went...
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    I have a friend that needs help.

    Hey Fustar, your friend sounds pretty normal to me. Some self destructive tendencies and stubbornness perhaps, but don't we all have that to a certain extent. You are probably diagnosing things pretty accurately. My advice is to let all that go. Just be his friend, be there, be loyal and be...
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    Dealing with Good Byes

    Yeah Yogi, goodbyes can be tough.  I think the way you're breaking down your thinking on this is good, well done.  Keep at it.  Perhaps this isn't a full-on, lost relationship that needs a full-on grief but it seems like it's a little grief.  That's ok; my guess you've got that little bit of...
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    I'm not sure where else to put this so I'll try here...

    Hey WL I agree with the rest that you should try and stitch one moment to the next. Getting to a place where you can let all that stuff from those people in your past go is tough. But try, you really don't need to carry that baggage around with you.
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    Another lonely person

    Hey Bored, I'm sorry for what you're going through. Try not to be too hard on yourself. I'm in my 40's and my good friend list right around 5, give or take. And if I think about it, it's always been about that many. The friends change as I've changed. I think it's pretty normal. And for...
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    Greetings from the Darkness

    Hey Matthew, I'd add church to JJW's list. Find one, or plug in to yours in a deeper way. Singles groups are pretty common, and obviously a church is a much more wholesome environment for fishing than a bar. I used this saying with someone else recently, but it holds here too. Failure is not...
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    How do you make friends when you're already emotionally starved?

    How long have you been trying to push through trying everything?  Usually friends/relationships are like fish--you can't just reach in and grab them, you have to use patience and a good lure.  Maybe your not-half-trying is actually trying too hard.
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    How do you make friends when you're already emotionally starved?

    You said you're tired of groups, have you tried attending a church nearby? A small group or Sunday school. I won't preach (you'll get enough of that if at church;), but consider a church just for the concentration of people there, many of whom will be looking for connection too. On a different...
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    Truly depressed?

    Hey man, I think you might be over thinking things a bit. The saying is "paralysis by analysis"--it's when one spends so much time analyzing all possible negative outcomes that you chose inaction. I really encourage you to just take some chances. People will let you down and surprise you; but...
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    Never been in a relation

    Try not to beat yourself up too much, you're probably right about the root cause of your shyness.  Have you thought about therapy/counseling?  I suggest this not because there's anything wrong with your situation, but because a professional is uniquely qualified for giving you an expert &...
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    Hey itsmylife, letting go is hard. It sounds so easy when we're on the outside of the situation to just watch and say "let it go". But in the moment, your in the moment. It's always so frustrating when people just say "let it go" like it's so easy and natural to do. For my part, when I'm...
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    Im not too lonely but.....

    Hey humourless, welcome aboard. I get the gist that you might be your harshest critic. I've recently begun embracing self-forgiveness. It's been unexpectedly liberating. Prayers bro.
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    I guess I'm new here

    Hey mildly, it sounds like your negative thinking really takes over. A therapist would be best to help. Also, there are CBT techniques that could help. It's tough to do in practice, but we don't have to be slaves to our thinking. That being said, I agree with the other posters about leaving...
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    New around here

    Yeah fart welcome aboard. This is a great place to empty your thoughts and find comfort in knowing you're not alone.
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    So...I am depressed.

    Hello Phantimos it sounds like you're good at introspection. As you continue to self analyze, I encourage you to forgive yourself as much as possible. You are not alone. They say that when in the grips of depression to start small. Progress with small wins and build momentum. Hang in there...