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  1. P

    I feel like crap

    Apologizing for something you didn't do, to some one who is ignoring you point blank damages your self esteem. If some one starts ignoring you without even so much as a word to explain why, not only do they not deserve an apology, they don't deserve your time either. It sounds like you are...
  2. P

    This might sound crazy but...

    Perhaps since the vast majority of the human race have some kind of existential void, have no idea what their true purpose is or why they are here, they invent something to help give them a purpose, a reason and to fill this void and a reason to live for. I wonder, if we were all closer to our...
  3. P

    Friends with Benefits

    Friends with benefits are the perfect way to use each other as if you were both merely objects, sex objects to be used and then discarded. If your self esteem and self worth is low enough and your desperation is high enough then this is perfect for you. Personally, my body is my temple and my...
  4. P

    Clingy man after a first date

    I would never lie about my age and if a woman didn't want to converse with me due to that then it would be her loss. A lie for any reason is still a lie and still a bad way to start anything that should be based on trust.
  5. P

    So it turns out that all us guys are like Pokemanz(a dating analogy)

    Yea but then the knight in shining armor becomes blinded by their own reflection, the damsel stressed no more regains her no longer teary eyed vision and sets out to find another warrior in rusty armor who is in training hoping to polish the armor to shine once more, rinse and repeat....
  6. P

    Clingy man after a first date

    By the sounds of it, there were more red flags than a country's procession and he was more clingy than a thousand shrink wrapped sandwiches. You don't need such nonsense in your life and you should count yourself very lucky that his true colours showed before you were in another country staring...
  7. P

    It's too much for me to handle, I will let the darkness consume me.

    Don't you think it slightly strange that half of the worlds population is suffering from a "hormonal or brain imbalance?". I am not convinced that the root of the problem is chemical or even physical, it is more likely existential or spiritual. Just imagine for a second that we lived in a...
  8. P

    It's too much for me to handle, I will let the darkness consume me.

    Chemical imbalance? More like society and system imbalance. All of us are the problem and all of us are the solution.
  9. P

    What do yopu do when you have no redeeming qualities?

    Interesting list, now do it again only listing the positive aspects of your life, there are always some. Fact, your post only focuses on the negative side, negativity only drains you of energy and keeps you were you do not want to remain. Stuck at home with your parents? You still have a roof...
  10. P

    How to get a girlfriend/friend?

    In my opinion, the best way to get a girlfriend is to never look for one, live life in what ever way you see fit. Do what ever you enjoy, learn, work on yourself, develop your own philosophy for living life, develop a standard, morals, ethics and study the art of positivity where possible. To...