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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. S

    What Was the Greatest Insult You Ever Received?

    "You are a waste of oxygen, a failure as a person, and should have been aborted."- said by a co worker about 2 years ago This was the only time (that I can remember) that I ever cried in public. Usually I handle insults much better, but at that time I was flirting with suicide, and it looked...
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    Not Wanting to be Seen as Arrogant?

    ^ I wouldn't say that I'm afraid of success, at least I don't think that I am. :) It appears to be mostly out of habit, but I'm not sure as to why I do it.
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    Not Wanting to be Seen as Arrogant?

    I have a tendancy to think about all my failures (numerous as they are) and my own personal shortcomings whenever something good happens. I justify this behavior as "being humble", and "not wanting to become arrogant", but I feel that this is just thinly veiled self sabotage. Whatever it is, I...
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    Hi everybody

    Hello Lemon
  5. S


    Hello, I'm new here. I'd guess the reason that I'm here is my incredibly low self-esteem. Some days are better than others, but I manage.