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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. tillth3end

    What Are You Currently Playing?

    I'm a PC gamer. I'm playing DC Universe Online, Counter Strike: Source, Battlefield 3, Killing Floor, and Altitude.
  2. tillth3end


    I won't name names but someone we know here uses the same phrase to welcome EVERYONE! *whisper* flaneur *whisper*........:cool:
  3. tillth3end


    Thanks Eve.
  4. tillth3end


    Hello there, Unless someone sneaked in and completed their registration while I was doing mine. I am registrar #18,744. What a horrible number. Anyway, it's almost 2 AM here and I don't feel like sleeping even though I'm dead tired. On second thoughts, I'll give it a shot. It sure beats trying...