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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. shh_its_a_secret

    online dating sites

    online dating can work but u have to be a bit careful. i met my now exhusband through online dating, he seemed great till we where married and he admitted he put holes in condoms to get me preg so i would marry him (it worked since i did :s) and then started bullying my little boy. and thats...
  2. shh_its_a_secret

    a snuggle for you.

    aww bless ya, hats a really sweet post :)
  3. shh_its_a_secret

    What is your weather like right now?

    warm and sunny today same as yesterday when i have another 14 hour shift, rain forcast for tomorrow when i have a day off, sods law lol
  4. shh_its_a_secret

    Stupidest thing you've done in the past 24 hours.

    either shutting my hair in the car door or leaving a purple sock in the machine when i put my previously white sheets in, i now have lilac sheets :s
  5. shh_its_a_secret

    Everyday Things That Make You Happy

    the first time u crawl into bed after changing the sheets, when their all clean and unslept in and still smell like the fabric conditioner, bliss
  6. shh_its_a_secret


    thanx for the warm welcome :)
  7. shh_its_a_secret


    i realised the other day that my life has become very isolated and lonely in the last few years, and figuring i couldn't be the only person to feel like that i googled lonely people and found this site. been lurking the last few days and desided to join up, not really done the forum thing...