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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. M

    Teens who can relate?

    Great :D.
  2. M


    I love Morrissey. I like a lot of artists/bands most people my age have never heard of.
  3. M

    Teens who can relate?

    I'm 16 but I live in england so I can't be a phsyical friend but if you want to talk I'm here.
  4. M


    Thank you so much. And I hope so lol.
  5. M


    Hi wow this is fantastic I was hoping this would happen but never actually thought it Would.
  6. M

    What is love?

    I wish I knew.
  7. M


    My names Alicia I'm 16 and I feel so alone I'm from Sheffield England and I hope I can get rid of some of my darker thoughts and feelings through using this site.