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  1. J

    Don't let the loneliness overcome you...

    To any of you who have read my other poems u might find that there is a recurring pattern of dark, empty sadness. The last few weeks of my life have been really in that place but to be honest I'm sick of it and really want to make a change to this. I've seen a lot of posts lateley in which...
  2. J

    My New Years Kiss

    The night draws on, is the end of an era. I sit here alone, ...wondering if I will see her. I picture her with me, ...her face and her eyes. I feel my whole being, ...lifted up to the skies. Her smell fills my senses, ...For a moment I'm alive. I can think of nothing more, ...For which i...
  3. J

    The Outside World

    A single organism, ...simple in it's existance ...drifts along in the prescence of it's being. It flows, a petal released from it's bud, ......fallen into the river and carried downstream. a spec of sand, ......lifted by the wind and travelling seamlessly. It evolves, ...grows...
  4. J


    Just wanted to throw out there that I apologise to those I offended In my last post... It was a mix of a drunken rage than anything yet at the same time I stand by some of the things I said. I guarantee, that if you read it carefully, we will all find a bit of us within it so please don't...
  5. J

    A Take on Life and Promiscuity

    Had a fairly decent weekend. But now I return to my home for the Monday rerun of the constant shittyness which drags me from one weekday to the next and, eventually, another weekend of an alchohol filled ashtray. It seems that no matter what situation our life is in it's just all one great big...
  6. J

    Don't use your emotions when you're upset

    isnt that just basically saying that when your upset, do the thing that makes you less upset? i think the reason ppl come here is because they a) need more specific advice on what that could be or b) need an escape/vent from those things that are making them upset... im sure there are more...
  7. J

    The Outside World

    I drift alone, the openness of space. I see the beauty of life the stars that shine around me. I feel the warmth ...that their light provides me. My existance endures through their prescence. I reach out to them. I long to feel their touch. That their radiance ...may translate...
  8. J

    The Outside World

    Summer fades, ... the sunshine drifs away. It's warmth and glow ... decend upon the horizon as I ... watch the final colours fade. I feel alone, ... scattered across the surface ... like the barren leaves of autumn. There is no green, ... only the lifelessness of the fallen. I watch as the trees...
  9. J

    The Outside World

    I see beauty in every turn. Flowers blossoming, The seniors holding hands as they wait for the bus. A child in a pram, eagerly awaiting it's mother's embrace. Yet here I lie... ... Alone. Nowhere in my world do I enjoy this beauty. I have it in my life, unavailable to me, just outside of arms...
  10. J


    thanks for the feedback. i find myself just blurting stuff like that out on those slitary nights when the only company i have is the empty bottle of red... so pretty much most nights lol.
  11. J


    There is a tree in my yard. The lowest branch is just out of arms reach, Yet to climb it is my deepest desire. One day, I will grow to reach it. One day, it will no longer defeat my impulses. I long for this day. The day in which i triumph over that which i cannot grasp. That...