I hate it when people are so tight and serious!

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Like me when im with a friend or someone i just like to joke around and say stuff,i never think of things i say but i know its hurtful of course i would just go blah blah blah even though i know its stupid and dumb i would just say it anyway even though i know im wrong and then theyll react like "are you stupid?" with a really serious expression, and sometimes when i do things without a reason they give me this really irritating look on their faces. why cant they just relax and ride along u know :p
Can I ever relate to that. x_x People like that - the kind of people who say "uh, that's pretty weird..." - are part of the reason why I have such a small comfort zone in conversations. I never talk about anything remotely interesting because I'm afraid my opinions might meet disapproval or an awkward silence. If I had a dime for every time I brought up the weather... ugh...

I guess I'd have a lot of dimes. Yeah. Uh. xP
What has this world come to. It's so hard to talk to people nowadays. It's like you have to find a script and say all the words just at the time even thought it's just not what you'd normally say. Why are people so anal with words. I know what you mean about those awkward silences that make you think twice whether or not that person understood you. It's like I don't know how to be myself of say what's on my mind having to worry about the right thing to say all the time. Small talk about the weather..i tried that but it just seems so fake and predictable briging that up and when you do people still think you're weird. I talked to so many people on aim and its like the conversation just doesnt flow. I sit in front of my computer waiting for these people to type something back and keep the conversation going but they never do. I can't tell if they're scared uptight or just not interested. MAn people are hard to understand. In my mind i think the conversation is going great, but then all of a sudden they stop talking leaving me to think they're busy or dont find me interesting. Either way it's hard to make friends when people don't TALK! Soo frustrating. I don't know what to do.!!!
I despise small talk.

That's why I love the internet, I can say whatever I feel like saying to whoever I want to without worry of any backlash. I never think twice or hesitate (which usually ruins any good joke I may have thought up). Awkward silences are the bane of my existence and that's almost all I ever get when I try real life conversations with anyone I'm not already friends with. I'm always worried that what I say might offend or that joke I thought was hilarious might bomb with someone else...
I know. Thats most of the cause of me not liking popular people.

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