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Staff member
Dec 2, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
Did you have one? Do you have one? Or maybe you gave someone a nickname that suck with them.

In public school I had the nickname Chewy because I used to bite people. A guy I used to work with called me Mighty Mouse because I was stronger than I looked and since I'm short(er) than he was.

There was a kid everyone used to call Quack because he talked out of his nose and sounded like a duck. In high school I started calling him Darkwing Duck, he was jealous that I was better friends with a friend we had in common, and he started to make fun of me. He hated being called Darkwing but it stuck and everyone started calling him DW for short. It stuck through the rest of high school, no one called him Quack after that.
I was called Moley in elementary because of my mole. I guess it's a prominent feature in my face? Um well it progressed to Super Mole. Ya know, Super Mall. And Mega Mole. Kinda funny looking back.
Lol people add an ie to my name if they're fond of me.

I call Liley Liles sometimes. :)

I would prefer darkwing to quack if I was that guy. :p
Army nicked named me milky bar kid when I was in training, it went down to milky bar then milky because I looked like the milky bar kid . Then when I got to regiment I got named borris, after borris johnston, the mayor of london cause I have similar hair to him.
When I played football, my teammates nicknamed me Shevchenko because I looked a bit like him or because I played somewhat like him... I can't remember why exactly.
0CI355A said:
I was called Moley in elementary because of my mole. I guess it's a prominent feature in my face? Um well it progressed to Super Mole. Ya know, Super Mall. And Mega Mole. Kinda funny looking back.

Trolololol >_>.
Zeke or Bear or Big Bear or Papa Bear or Adding a -vin at the end of my name......That's a lot of bears lol.
LOL there are some funny nicknames here. I had two friends in high school named Julie, on we called Blondie (I don't know how she got that nickname, she was blonde though) and the other we called Claws because she had some powerfully strong fingernails. She was also called Pebbles when she was a little girl because of her red hair, she never told very many people why she was called Pebbles, she didn't like being nicknamed after a Flintstones character.

The girl in the comic book store used to call me Batman all the time, mostly because she couldn't tell my brother and I apart and when she said Batman I would respond, then she knew who was whom.
Because of my maiden name, when I was in school, people used to call me pretzel, and they called my younger sister golden nugget. I was very sensitive about it--I am still a very sensitive person--and I used to cry when I wasn't at school because I felt they were being cruel. I didn't laugh it off when they called me it and that's why they probably did it even more. My sister? She just said "yeah, and your a jerk" or something like that. She figured acting tough would work--and it did! Then that made me even more upset! As I look back now, I was so ridiculous for letting it bother me. It wasn't as if they were calling me something that could cause a rumor! You know what I mean!
In junior high I was called "Turtle" because I was so down with "TMNT". I had the figures, posters, and a huge foam "Raphael" that I won from a contest held by our local cable company. Also, in high school I was called "Juice Man" because my last name is Welch which is a popular brand of juice products. To be honest, I wish I was part of that outfit. I could use the money.
I used to love watching Mighty Mouse when I was a kid. Then I lost the VHS (remember those?).

I have several nicknames, petnames, and aliases: Asia, Staci (the A is pronounced "ah"), Rabbit, Rabbito, Rabito, Bunny, Bun, Bunpoo, Bunbun, DTR, Doubt, Mnkei, Miss, and plenty of others I don't care to mention.

Nicknames I've given others include:

Mr. Ryanpoo (for Ryan), Lilito (for Liley/Ledia), Barbapoo (for Barb), Herbert (for...something else (wary)), Limpoo (for Lim) and pretty much anything ending in -poo, -poop, -person, or -ito.

Also, I nickname my sister alot; usually anything related to poop, stink, pink, and pudge, and/or ending in -butt or -face or -buttface or -buttpants. Two common ones are Ladybutt and Ladyface. Oh, and Pink-a-Pink...and Pinkamina Pie (from My Little Pony). And Pinkyface and Pinkydoo. She likes pink.
hmm, I don't think I was ever really given one. Although, my best friend's toddler calls me, 'MiMi' for some weird reason.... :S
My family calls me Bud because I don't like my first name. I call myself Aspie.

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