Applying strategy to a video game...

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2007
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Anyone who knows me knows that I spend quite a bit of time on the game League of Legends. I love gaming, though not the same reasons for a lot of people - I primarily thrive in it for the competitive aspect and to a great extent, on how I can apply knowledge in an useful way to it.

Its really a simple example of applying theory to application and how much one learns from doing so - I've often found it fascinating frustrating how I've met people who've claimed to have read Art of War or other books, but never seem to be able to apply anything winning because while they understand the theory and might be able to quote a few things, the actual application eludes them.

To develop from the above example,I remember being so ridiculously good at Battle for Wesnoth that eventually no one in my group wanted to play with me at all - apparently losing thirty times in a row is a bit frustrating. It really was a simple realization, though - Sun Tzu emphasizes on on many things, but ultimately on /knowing/. And then, by denying the enemy knowledge through the use of deception. All I had to do to win was to emphasize on early skirmishers to establish what my opponent was using, look over the terrain, and then form an vague overall battle plan.

Since my plan always worked with additional knowledge of the enemy, it usually gave me an advantage. By working from this small advantage and looking for positional gains, I was almost always able to secure a final victory.

League of Legends was different for me at first, as it involved commanding a singular champion in loose chaos(or so it felt at first!). I wasn't very good at it at first; my k/d ratios usually had more deaths than kills, but I decided that I would learn the game. I found it interesting how some people close to me told me not to 'learn' it as if that would somehow make it less fun - but of course, studying something to understand it is ultimately how I can gain a winning edge, and how I /can/ enjoy something.

Eventually, though, I stumbled on a central issue in my gaming and my actions overall - I've been extremely indecisive at times, partly due to my habit of 'gather more information.' And I had always assumed that my weakness was a weakness in reflexes; but that ultimately wasn't the case. What has proved more useful has been the overall chess strategy of 'have a plan and try to predict your opponent's intentions'; once I realized that, I understood that I could try to view both my opponent's optimal strategy as well as my own during many cases - in which case I could simply move to try to block or otherwise disadvantage my opponent before he took his action, or anticipate it. Once I did so, I realized that the rest of the reflexes came so much easier; already mentally prepared, I could execute my response on muscle memory and leave more mental energy for the unexpected.

Its interesting going from a mediocre playing to usually topping my scoreboard. And yet I'm sure there's more to learn. My beloved Tristana got /demolished/ today by a Kog'maw; a setback, but one that I can learn from. Such defeats are bliss, and another reminder that life is a constant challenge to prevail.
Competitive gaming is so fun. I'd live off it if I could.
Isn't Heroes of Newerth the more competitively optimized version of LoL? I keep hearing that LoL is a casualized version, but then, none of the sources seemed all that credible. If only shoryuken had a subforum for all games :p
I once played Starcraft (1&2) and the Age of Empire series on a regular basis. When controlling units on that scale you learn strategy fast. I eventually read the Art of War and found all the teachings I received in a trial by fire said in a much more elegant form. I even developed slight variations in some of my strategies to become more effective after reading Sun Tzu's texts the first time.

I think the need for strategy and that type of thinking is what draws us to these games in the first place. The settings are just extra incentives and stimulate right side of the brain as well as the left with strategies.
One thing I've been wondering; how alive are the single-player highscore-based competitive games? Like Super Meatboy and Bit.trip runner and Pacman Championship Edition and such? I haven't ever stumbled upon competitive communities for them, but then, I saw that movie about people setting the world record in Donkey Kong...
Pheenix said:
One thing I've been wondering; how alive are the single-player highscore-based competitive games? Like Super Meatboy and Bit.trip runner and Pacman Championship Edition and such? I haven't ever stumbled upon competitive communities for them, but then, I saw that movie about people setting the world record in Donkey Kong...

Largely underground. If you hang around their shops and stuff you'll eventually hear about it. Maybe even lurk around their forums if you're really interested.

They recently opened up a gamer based club/lounge here (Vegas). It included everything from Xbox 360 to Atari and arcade machines. Was relatively successful from what I heard.

Never been. Too many people. :p
Pheenix said:
Competitive gaming is so fun. I'd live off it if I could.
Isn't Heroes of Newerth the more competitively optimized version of LoL? I keep hearing that LoL is a casualized version, but then, none of the sources seemed all that credible. If only shoryuken had a subforum for all games :p

I've heard stuff like that, but that LoL is more /fun/. Honestly, HoN feels less polished - it does not take long for me to go to a website, click on a champion depict and find HERO DEPICTION COMING SOON along with a HERO ABILITY VIDEO coming soon. That does not give me great faith in it.

LoL is more forgiving about stuff like last hitting - and a lot more forgiving of death, especially now with Dominion. That said, I think its plenty strategic especially on the higher levels; it wouldn't be a E-sport these days if it wasn't. Its certainly my poison of choice at the moment, and that of several other pro gamers I know. Their opinion of HoN is that its just not as fun. Its more obsessive, yes, but less fun.

Plus, the girls of LoL are more Stripperrrific. PROOF: Sona and Katarina. Also, comes literally with French Maid and Hello Nurse tropes.
Hence why Janna is my favorite! She wears practically nothing and she is able to ward the ever loving honeysuckle out of the enemy territory. To reference your notes on strategy, having complete sight of the other team at all times makes a huge difference.
Limlim said:
Hence why Janna is my favorite! She wears practically nothing and she is able to ward the ever loving honeysuckle out of the enemy territory. To reference your notes on strategy, having complete sight of the other team at all times makes a huge difference.

Janna is like playing Blue in Magic: The Gathering.

"You wanna play a strategy involving ganking?" "No!"

"You want to run away after a harass?" "No!"

"You want to hide in the brush?" "No!"

"You want to curl up and die?" "No, I get to toss you in the air a few times and jink you into my friends first before you die!"

She's such a beautiful ******* character. That and your Singed. Think it might say something about you? ;)

We should play more together. The Janna/Tristana lane is epic, I think - doubled attack speed with a random boosted Tristana is murderous. Since I always run with one Infinity Edge already, can you imagine that with another free BFS? 1200 damage PER SECOND w/ crits, and that's before your hurricane/slows get factored in.
Have you folks ever heard of Frozen Synapse?

I recently picked it up on a Humble Bundle deal for a very nice price, I've been really impressed thus far. It looks daunting at first, but it's a strange blend of forward thinking strategy and flowing action.

In a nutshell, imagine you were meticulously planning a SWAT raid on a building, then add cyberpunk style visuals and setting and the ability to shift that plan as it's in motion. That's pretty much the game.

It's pace is variable. If you want to take ages planning and micromanaging your moves you can (you can set aiming, movement, stance, stuff like that very carefully), if you just want to speedily issue your orders you can do that too.

You plan moves in your turn, your opponent plans his (you can see the stationary position of their operatives), then 5 seconds of action occurs with both moves played out, followed by another planning session and so on.

The scenery is destructible, which quickly means cover changes and shifts as time goes on and certain styles of troop are better than others.

Interestingly, you can simulate your moves before committing, with the opponent's characters treated as unmoving. This lets you see if you will get mown down with a stupid move before you do it, meaning the focus stays on making smart moves and luck is minimised.

So...yeah, I'd highly recommend picking a copy up if you're into tactical games or turn-based strategy, it's really good fun. I'm always up for a game via PM if anyone does :D

It's still on offer here(several more days):

(I hope the mods won't mind me linking it as an interested third party, if that's not allowed feel free to take the link out ;) )
Turn-based with simultaneous action? Sign me up.

I've so missed games like those. MUST HAVE.


He seems happy.

PS: Cyberpunk? Oh God. I must love this so much.

IgnoredOne said:
Turn-based with simultaneous action? Sign me up.

I've so missed games like those. MUST HAVE.


He seems happy.

PS: Cyberpunk? Oh God. I must love this so much.

I was pleased he mentioned the awesomeness of the soundtrack, I thought I was the only person who thought the music was fantastic :D

I've taken to listening to it when working now, some relaxing tracks (and also some nerve-shredding ones too). Lots of bonus music they didn't include too, which was weird, since it was really good stuff.

Y'all jackals go skedalle cuz I'd reckon I gots me a mighty hankering to KICK BUTT*.

I can't wait for Graves to become available for LoL. God knows I'm obsessed with AD ranged carries, and now they just had to go and make one that reminds me of my West Texas days.

Shotguns! They make big holes in people! Honestly, he looks like he's carrying a cannon rather than anything else, which is just fine by me as well.

*Not quite as awesome as my Georgian friend's actual angry rant when I remember he got pissed: "I will ******* rip dem heads off and fresia their throats in a ditch."
That does look exciting, but you gotta admit the size of Ashe's boobs make her extremely appealing.
Have you ever overthought a situation until you cripple yourself?

I got so into planning my last turn of FS down to the final detail that I failed to notice that my genius plan involved my rocket launcher guy blowing up one of his comrades, single-handedly losing me the game.

"FS" indeed :p

Unfortunately, good planning also involves learning to let go quickly when some part of the plan isn't quite as synergized.

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