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Oct 7, 2009
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I don't have a problem with self-esteem or shyness, but I understand feeling awkward. I think that regardless of the cause of your discomfort with communication. one of the most effective ways to overcome the barrier is to practice.

I recently created my own podcast. Between guest appearances on other podcasts and working on my own, I feel that I've improved my own communication skills. I've eliminated quite a bit of anxiety.

Because this has helped me, I wanted to extend an invitation to any of you who are sincerely working toward making a change. I'm offering the chance to come onto my podcast. We can make your appearance last only five minutes, or you could make it a little longer. You can do it just once, or you could make repeated appearances. You can even pick out the topic, to some extent (it must fit in).

You won't be expected to just jump into this. First, we'll begin communicating on Skype through text. Then, we'll go to voice (no camera, ever). Then, sometimes, we might record our conversations, just to get you comfortable with the idea of recording our conversations. Then, once you're ready, we'll post one (or part) of the conversations on a podcast.
Aww. 33 views and not one taker? C'mon guys! These are baby steps that can help you to start talking without fear.
That actually sounds like a great idea Nerdy, but count me out, I just don't have the time for something like that right now.
That actually sounds amazing to be honest. I have such a fear of **** near everything with a pulse.
That would be a big step for me. I might be open to it. I'd just be really afraid of making an idiot of myself or something like that.

That is an awesome idea! I'm happy it's helping you further yourself!
I have been making lots of good changes but I'm too shy to do the show I think. :( It sounds like a really good idea though. Do you have links to you previous episodes?
GREAT IDEA NerdyGirl, but:
1. I don't use skype or know about podcasts, (I'm a techno-phobe)
2. Your voice is WAY TOO SEXY, you'd make me feel inadequate :p.
This sounds like a good idea. I would say "count me in" as I do have a few topics to consider, but at the same time I'm not sure if I have the time for it.

Put me down for "maybe". :)
I see all these people congratulating her for the idea, but saying no or maybe. Quit making excuses, get out of your bubble, and try it! :p If you hate it, she doesn't have to post it.
I'm a single mom. I'm a college student. I'm studying to get certified in something else. I own a business. I take care of my mother's communications because her English is bleh. I do volunteer work. I write the blog for/ do the research for/ record/ market my podcast.

The podcast has a phone number now. It's through Google Voice, which would allow me to record the conversation. Skype is free. Microphones are cheap. A friend of mine downloaded Skype and used it for the first time over the weekend so he could get on when he has time. I helped him learn to maneuver enough for us to talk for an hour.

I can't do a thing about my voice, but I can tell you that you get used to it. I recently chatted with somebody (Dark Poet from ALL) who was incredibly nervous, partly due to my voice. By the end of our first conversation, he was chatting fairly well. Honestly, my voice is the most intimidating thing about me.

When you have the determination, you will do this. I'll be waiting.

kamya said:
I have been making lots of good changes but I'm too shy to do the show I think. :( It sounds like a really good idea though. Do you have links to you previous episodes?

Nerdlicious can be found at
It's also on itunes now.
I've recently been conversing with Nerdy and she is a very easy person to talk to. I will admit that her voice can be intimidating, but she is also a fun person to talk to. If you can manage, look beyond the voice and you'll find a human being just like any other. We've been messaging through skype on and off since I've started talking with her.

I look forward to seeing how things improve with the show, and I hope to sound smart enough when I go on it!

She is very lenient and willing to converse with you beforehand. It will do you some good to come out of your shell. If you know me, you know about how my fear of females has crippled me among other things. She won't bite! Give it a try. It would do you a lot of good. :)
I'm new but I'm up for this..

Could you tell me a topic..

Ive never been on a podcast :) so I'd love to give it a try
I can personally say that being on Nerdy's podcast is a fun and hilarious experience. Can't wait to do it again :)
Gutted said:
I'd do it if my internet was good enough to handle Skype lol

You can call, too. The voice mail number doesn't have to go to voice mail, and I am able to record calls (so Google says).

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