The Game of Thrones Thread

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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2011
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Sup ppl, some mentioned that hey liked this show so I'm making a thread
to discuss it. I'll also be posting stuff related to it.

WARNING: This thread contains spoilers. If you haven't seen all the episodes, go and watch them (it's online everywhere) then come back otherwise you'll be spoiled...

Favourite characters? Mine is Little Finger, a clever guy... Very enigmatic. I like how he knows about everything that's going on.

The newest episode 'Blackwater' I have to say, is my favourite so far. The battle was quite epic for a tv series. The show needed it, they've skipped many... I like how the true personalities of the charactes came to surfece in a life-threating situation, Joffrey ran away to his mamma like a litte b*tch lol, they acted cowardly! The revelation of the episode was Tyrion, the midget, he acted bravely and showed leadership.

My expectations for the next chapter: Joffrey or Theon beheaded! :) Or some kind of origila death? Tough it's unlikely to happen... we'll see.

Some GoT sites
Game of Thrones Wiki
The making of GoT

Some GoT art




Arya makinga weird face XD

Oh aye, Little finger and Tyrion are among the favourites too. Brienne is who I'm putting my trust in. My son said the book series only ones he cried reading so when the TV series came out wanted to watch it and was hooked.
What I like the most about the TV series is the opening, magnificent! Most likely the best I have ever seen. Not sure if I have a favorite among the characters.
I haven't seen all of season two's episodes. I think my favourite character is Arya. She's so cool ^^
hopsfox said:
Oh aye, Little finger and Tyrion are among the favourites too. Brienne is who I'm putting my trust in. My son said the book series only ones he cried reading so when the TV series came out wanted to watch it and was hooked.

I didn't like much Tyrion at first but as the serie went on he got very interesting. Brienne's pretty cool as well with the whole 'tough lesbian knight' look XD

AfterDark said:
What I like the most about the TV series is the opening, magnificent! Most likely the best I have ever seen. Not sure if I have a favorite among the characters.

Another thing I started apreciating later is the opening. I didn't knew what it meant at first, later I realized it was a map....

floffyschneeman said:
I haven't seen all of season two's episodes. I think my favourite character is Arya. She's so cool ^^

Yes she is! She's a survivor.


SophiaGrace said:
I've read all the books and approve of this thread. :)

You are a VIP fan then :)
Without further ado, I dub Sophia our Arya. She is, by what I've read so far THE only one could pull it off. Stick em with the pointy end! Make those baddies pay for it.
I'll be the loyal confused bisexual Brienne

That better Felix? :D
I'll regret this in the morning
GoTs is simply awesome.

It is easy to pick my three favorite characters of the movie:


Melisandre of Asshai is a priestess of R'hllor and viewed with suspicion from some, due to her extreme ruthlessness.




Daenerys Targaryen, also called Daenerys Stormborn, Mother of Dragons had her dragons kill the slaver-lords of the city. She then marched north and east to Yunkai and besieged the city, threatening to destroy it unless they released their slaves.




Cersei Lannister is greedy, cruel, manipulative, and amoral.



They look so different in real life. It's a bit shocking. For me anyway :p

Now well have to wait a long time for the next season :(
I am glad you love them - :) - I had to chose a different image for some reason - I wanted the one where she had a knife in her hand.

SophiaGrace said:
fix the cersei link bones. I love them. :)

Yeah, no doubt - I am going to have some serious withdrawal from it.


Felix said:

Now well have to wait a long time for the next season :(

I know this is an old thread but, anyone still watching this show? It is the one and only show I watch on television. I am a fanatic. So who would like to talk GoT with me?!
ladyforsaken said:
I love it. although I am not caught up with the current season yet. :\

Ahhh then I will not post anything about it. But I will say, you MUST get caught up. So much has happened :)
Haha, it's all right, you can post! I will skip through any spoilers :p but I don't mind spoilers anyway. :D

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